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Mill's first fundamental proposition respecting capital is, that "Industry is limited by capital," who can measure the consequences to Irish industry of the capital lost to it by Absenteeism? But the soundness of the principle laid down by Mr. M'Culloch as universally received, and which Mr. For greater clearness I shall repeat that principle here. "The gentlemen," says Mr.

Such an average scale and such a prevalence of absenteeism never prevailed in any other Anglo-American plantation community, largely because none of the other staples required so much manufacturing as sugar did in preparing the crops for market.

When the home-thrust was made that Ireland had not suffered more through the absenteeism of her landlords than through the absenteeism of her men of genius, Burke made the reply that Ireland needed friends in the House of Commons more than at home. Burke loved Ireland to the last, and his fine loyalty for her people doubtless cost him a seat in the Cabinet.

Their pride in his success and gratitude for the new fame he had given a country which was still felt to be on probation, can hardly account for it; only the confidence of affection could have excused so prolonged an absenteeism.

Free people of colour were to have half the quantity; and a long list of conditions was annexed, which, considering that they were tainted with the original sin of slave- holding, seem wise and just enough. Two articles especially prevented, as far as possible, absenteeism.

If any good American were distressed by the absenteeism of our authors, I should first advise him that American literature was not derived from the folklore of the red Indians, but was, as I have said once before, a condition of English literature, and was independent even of our independence.

Hooker was of that class of generals who show such capacity as lieutenants that they are supposed to be capable of becoming independent chiefs, until their true measure is ascertained by actual trial. In two months he had restored to good shape an army which he had found demoralized and depleted by absenteeism, and at the end of April he had under him about 124,500 men.

Consequent on the frequent abandonment of their plantations by many owners who despaired of being able to get along by paying their way, an opening was made for the insinuation of Absenteeism into our agricultural, in short, our economic existence.

There is "absenteeism," which has always been affected by a reduction of hours, and which amounts to 6.6 per cent. of the working time of the mines, and there is the margin of stoppages through slack trade and other circumstances, which at present aggregates 7 per cent. of the working time of the mines.

The lawn had been once beautiful, and the demesne a noble one; but that which blights the industry of the tenant the curse of absenteeism had also left the marks of ruin stamped upon every object around him.