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W. Malmes. lib. 2. cap. 9. Hoveden, p. 427. H. Hunting. lib. 5. p. 357. Gervase, p. 1647. Brompton, p. 870. Flor. Wigorn. p. 607. Higden, p. 269. Chron. Abb. St. Edward lived four years after his accession, and there passed nothing memorable during his reign.

Following his example of religious devotion, Edmund, last King of the Angles, sacrificed not only his crown but his life in defense of the Christian faith, for he was beheaded by the Danes at Eglesdene in 870.... His head was cast into a forest, and, as the story goes, was miraculously discovered and found to be guarded by a wolf.

Long distance lines up to 1900 demanded wire about one-eighth of an inch thick as thick as a fairsized lead pencil; and, for this reason, the New York-Chicago line, built in 1893, consumed 870,000 pounds of copper wire of this size. Naturally the enormous expense stood in the way of any extended development. The same thickness also interfered with cable extension.

Patrick conjectures that he became a bishop, but does not name his diocese. There is no certainty about the dates at which these early abbots entered upon their office; and possibly some names have been altogether lost. But all accounts agree that the last Abbot of Medeshamstede was =Hedda=; and that he perished when the monastery was destroyed and its inmates killed by the Danes in 870.

It is my belief that you can now look where you could not before the passage of that Interstate Commerce Bill in '870 for the protection denied you at home.

According to the schedules attached to the Agreement, Annex A, comprising the Boxer arrears and bank advances, absorbed £4,317,778: Annex B, being so-called provincial loans, absorbed a further £2,870,000: Annex C, being liabilities shortly maturing, amounted to £3,592,263: Annex D, for disbandment of troops, amounted to £3,000,000: Annex C, to cover current administrative expenses totalled £5,500,000: whilst Annex E which covered the reorganization of the Salt Administration, absorbed the last £2,000,000; The bank profits on this loan alone amounted to million pounds; whilst Yuan Shih-kai himself was placed in possession by a system of weekly disbursements of a sum roughly amounting to ten million sterling, which was amply sufficient to allow him to wreak his will on his fellow-countrymen.

Sceptics, of course, doubted the fact; but when the tree was blown down in a violent storm, a Danish arrowhead was found embedded in the very centre of the trunk, grown over, and concealed for nearly a thousand years the silent witness to the agonies of a martyr. The martyrdom took place A.D. 870, the year before Alfred ascended the throne. In the churches of Norfolk and Suffolk the picture of St.

The census of 1912 showed that the country's developed water power was 4,870,000 horsepower, about 9 per cent of the maximum power available for economic development and less than 2 per cent of the total that may be supplied by the streams as estimated by Dr. Steinmetz.

The latest statistics I have at hand show that in 1912 the average value of the 13,870 school properties in the State was $2,170, that the average expenditure for each pupil was $28.86, and for each inhabitant $6.58, and that of the 507,109 pupils enrolled in the State only six per cent were in private schools the average for the States of the west varying from less than one per cent to sixteen per cent.

London : 530,000 : 106 : 5,000 : 4. : 20,000 Large Towns : 870,000 : 128 : 6,800 : 4.5 : 30,000 Small Towns and Country Places : 4,100,000 : 141 : 29,200 : 4.8 : 140,160 : 5,500,000 : 134 : 41,000 : 4.65 : 190,760 Standing by itself, this table, like most of the others, seems to support Mr Sadler's theory.