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In all forty enemy divisions had been used against us in the Meuse-Argonne battle. Between September 26 and November 6 we took 26, prisoners and 468 guns on this front. Our divisions engaged were the 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th, 5th, 26th, 28th, 29th, 32d, 33d, 35th, 37th, 42d, 77th, 78th, 79th, 80th, 82d, 89th, 90th and 91st.

That January day, while Icilius was busy on the Schloss of Hubertsburg, poor old Marechal de Belleisle, mark him, reader! "in the Rue de Lille at Paris," lay sunk in putrid fever; and on the fourth day after, "January 26th, 1761," the last of the grand old Frenchmen died. "He was in his 77th year.

General Buller came up next, with a wing of the 77th, which was faced by a solid mass five times as strong. "There are the Russians," cried Egerton, who commanded the 77th. "What shall we do, general?" "Charge them!" was Buller's prompt reply. The next instant the slender line, with a joyous hurrah, was engulfed in a giant column. The effect was instantaneous.

Our own batteries, the 74th and 77th, with our handful of mounted men, worked hard in covering the retreat and holding back the enemy's pursuit. It is a sad subject to discuss, but it is the one instance in a campaign containing many reverses which amounts to demoralisation among the troops engaged.

It was my privilege to hear him on the morning of the Lord's day, March 22, 1896. He spoke on the 77th Psalm; of course he found here his favourite theme prayer; and, taking that as a fair specimen of his average preaching, he was certainly a remarkable expositor of Scripture even at ninety-one years of age. Later on the outline of this discourse will be found. * Gen. xv. 6.

Thomas E. Rose, colonel of the 77th Pennsylvania Volunteers, the engineer and leader in the plot throughout, now a captain in the 16th United States Infantry, was taken prisoner at the battle of Chickamauga, September 20, 1863.

As for the throne, its chiefly remarkable feature was the brevity of its occupation by successive sovereigns: Order of Succession Name Date 77th Sovereign Go-Shirakawa 1156-1158 78th " Nijo 1159-1166 79th " Rokuju 1166-1168 80th " Takakura 1169-1180 81st " Antoku 1181-1183 82nd " Go-Toba 1184-1198 83rd " Tsuchimikado 1199-1210 84th " Juntoku 1211-1221 85th " Chukyo 1221

He was in his 77th year; feeble, but not feebler than usual, unless, perhaps, the unaccountable news from Kloster Kampen may have been too agitating to the dim old mind?

The British one was a 15-pr. field gun, of the 77th Field Battery, lost at Stormberg and recaptured the other day. It had evidently had hard and incessant use, and was much worn. Brabant's Horse were our escort to-day, a fine, seasoned body of rough, wild-looking fellows, wearing a very noticeable red puggaree round their slouch hats.

Hatteras, after seeing to the anchoring of his ship, re-entered his cabin and examined his map attentively. He found himself in latitude 76 degrees 57 minutes and longitude 99 degrees 20 minutes that is to say, at only three minutes from the 77th parallel. It was at this very spot that Sir Edward Belcher passed his first winter with the Pioneer and the Assistance.