United States or Malta ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

The "Tchunkee" sticks were marked with bits of leather and the counts of the game were affected by the position of the leather on or near which the ring lodged. A. W. Whipple in Pac. R. R. Rep.. Vol. III, p. 114; Harper's Mag., Vol. XVII, p. 463; Domenech. Vol. II, p. 197; H. H. Bancroft's Native Races, Vol. I, p. 393, p. 517 and note 133.

3.8 The briefing conducted by Air New Zealand Limited contained omissions and inaccuracies which had not been detected by either earlier participating aircrews or the supervising Airline Inspectors." He said: "393. In my opinion therefore, the single dominant and effective cause of the disaster was the mistake made by those airline officials who programmed the aircraft to fly directly at Mt.

Henry VII., tombs, 415. Herbert, George: Poem on Man, 102; parallel, 170; poetry, 281; a line quoted, 345. Herder, Johann Gottfried, allusion, 16. Heredity: Emerson's belief, 1, 2; in Emerson family, 4, 19; Whipple on, 389; Jonson, 393. Herrick, Robert, poetry, 281. Higginson, Thomas Wentworth. Hilali, The Flute, 399. Hillard, George Stillman: in college, 24, 25; his literary place, 33; aid, 276.

Not content with this result, the two friends, in the year B.C. 393, sailed across the Egean, and the portentous spectacle of a Persian fleet in Greek waters was once more seen this time in alliance with Athens! Descents were made upon the coasts of the Peloponnese, and the island of Cythera was seized and occupied.

The population of Canada East or Lower Canada in 1844 was made up as follows: French Canadians, 524,244; English Canadians. 85,660; English, 11,895; Irish, 43,982; Scotch, 13,393; Americans, 11,946; born in other countries, 1329; place of birth not specified, 4635. In the reform movement in Upper Canada there were a multiplicity of leaders and a constant shifting of groups.

Thierry in Considerations sur l'histoire de France, p. 196, ed. 12mo. A. Luchaire, Les Communes francaises, pp, 45-46. Guilbert de Nogent, De vita sua, quoted by Luchaire, l.c., p. 14. Lebret, Histoire de Venise, i. 393; also Marin, quoted by Leo and Botta in Histoire de l'Italie, French edition, 1844, t. i 500. Dr.

Lord Grenville, to an entertainment L. s. d. given him by the Citizens, as High Steward, in May, 1811... 1,393 11 0 July 14. Paid John H. Wilcocks, Mayor, the monies expended by him in entertaining the MILITARY, viz. Sept. Paid J. M. Gutch, for printing Advertisements for calling a Public Meeting of the Citizens to address the Prince Regent on the Death of the Right Hon.

During the third year of the war, that is from August, 1916, to August, 1917, air attacks on England caused death to 393 people and injuries to 1,174, according to figures compiled by the New York "Times."

Quoted by Austin Dobson, Op. cit., 100. Dedication of The Fatal Secret. The Novelist's Magazine, XIII, 106. Quoted by W. Forsyth, Novels and Novelists of the Eighteenth Century , 211. J.C. Dunlop, History of Prose Fiction, edited by H. Wilson, II, 568. Monthly Review, V, 393, October, 1751. Letters from the Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, Everyman edition, 392.

In the North, in spite of all proscription, conditions were somewhat better. As early as 1850 there were in the public schools in New York 3,393 Negro children, these sustaining about the same proportion to the Negro population that white children sustained to the total white population.