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Many of the other major proposals that I have referred to have been here that long or longer. Now, 1971, we can say, was a year of consideration of these measures. Now let us join in making 1972 a year of action on them, action by the Congress, for the Nation and for the people of America.

This administration cut more than $7 billion out of spending plans in order to produce a surplus in 1970, and in spite of the fact that Congress reduced revenues by $3 billion, I shall recommend a balanced budget for 1971. But I can assure you that not only to present, but to stay within, a balanced budget requires some very hard decisions.

Most are caught between the prospects of bankruptcy on the one hand and adding to an already crushing tax burden on the other. As one indication of the rising costs of local government, I discovered the other day that my home town of Whittier, California which has a population of 67,000 has a larger budget for 1971 than the entire Federal budget was in 1791.

In 1979 the Interior Department held six OCS lease sales, the greatest number ever, which resulted in federal receipts of $6.5 billion, another record. The five-year OCS Leasing schedule was completed, requiring 36 sales over the next five years. Since 1971 no general federal coal lease sales were suspended.

August 1997: 1,000 books; April 2002: 5,000 books; October 2003: 10,000 books; January 2005: 15,000 books; December 2006: 20,000 books; April 2008: 25,000 books. In July 1971, Michael Hart created Project Gutenberg with the goal of making available for free, and electronically, literary works belonging to public domain.

Previously dissimilar industries, such as publishing and sound recording, now both produce CD-ROMs, rather than simply books and records. Digital Libraries: Some Examples Created by Michael S. Hart in 1971, the Project Gutenberg was the first information provider on the Internet. Michael Hart's purpose is to put on the Web as many literary texts as possible for a minimal price.

May God give us the wisdom, the strength and, above all, the idealism to be worthy of that challenge, so that America can fulfill its destiny of being the world's best hope for liberty, for opportunity, for progress and peace for all peoples. State of the Union Address Richard Nixon January 22, 1971 Mr. Speaker, Mr.

This is a much more comforting paternity than the various commercial launchings in proprietary formats that peppered the early 2000s. In July 1971, sending a 5K file to 100 people would have crashed the network of the time.

This administration cut more than $7 billion out of spending plans in order to produce a surplus in 1970, and in spite of the fact that Congress reduced revenues by $3 billion, I shall recommend a balanced budget for 1971. But I can assure you that not only to present, but to stay within, a balanced budget requires some very hard decisions.

For reception SV4CG made a converter using the long persistence P7 c.r.t. With this set-up Costas had his first SSTV contact on 40 metres with SV1AB on February 28th 1971. After that he had many contacts on 7 and 14 MHz as can be seen from the extract from his log.