United States or Italy ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

I believe there must be a better way, and that the time has come when we should make an earnest effort to find it. Within a 10-mile circle drawn around the Capitol dome are thousands of acres of good agricultural land, of which the merest fraction has been reduced to intensive cultivation. Much of it is wastefully used, and much of it is not used at all.

A man might, if he were of a fearful heart, stagger in this attempt; but I shut my eyes, and take up one of the little volumes. It proves to be the edition of 1883. Again I shut my eyes while I open the book at random. It is the week beginning with Sunday, the 9th of September. Thomp. Coop. &c. 10-Mile Pines. Cleo. Duff. Selec. The fore part of the day was altogether devoid of interest or event.

Now the wind was northerly, and all were going north, not walking, not galloping the Caribou rarely gallops, and then only for a moment or two; his fast gait is a steady trot a 10-mile gait, making with stops about 6 miles an hour. But they are ever on the move; when you see a Caribou that does not move, you know at once it is not a Caribou; it's a rock. We sat down on the hill at 3.

A controversy was started in Charters Towers over a paragraph in the Northern Miner, as follows: "The Dalrymple Shire Council's well on Victoria Downs road, at the head of the 10-mile creek, on the spot picked by Mr. George O'Sullivan, was sunk to a depth of 38 feet, and at that depth water became so heavy that sinking conditions had to be discontinued.

They struck a supply of 15,000 gallons per day, at a depth of 70 feet. In the morning it was arranged that Mr. J. Symes should drive me into Charters Towers, and when on the road, asked me if I would mind looking at Sullivan's site at the 10-mile creek. He said he did not know exactly where it was situated.

Pursuant to the legislation, negotiations were entered into with Colombia and with the New Panama Canal Company, with the end that a treaty was made with the Republic of Panama granting to the United States control of a 10-mile strip, constituting the Canal Zone, with the right to construct, maintain, and operate a canal.

I can't describe it! How can a fellow tell about such things! It's like well, it's like Frau Hummel's "stuffed" goose, that's all! ... Then the ducks, too, were unwrapped from their white cloths and weighed usually a pair of them and the old willow basket had nothing left but its bundle of cloths when Frau Hummel started out again on her 10-mile walk to the farm.