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On that day, and at that place, there came to the King, Fitz-Stephen, a sea-captain, and said: 'My liege, my father served your father all his life, upon the sea. He steered the ship with the golden boy upon the prow, in which your father sailed to conquer England. I beseech you to grant me the same office.

Pollie had the cosmic urge, that is all, and the marooned sea-captain had in him a little just a little of the salt of the sea. Fate is a trickster. Her game is based upon false pretenses she should be forbidden the mails. She sacrifices individuals by the thousand, for the good of the race. All she cares for is to perpetuate the kind.

"A kind of traveller, or sea-captain of some sort." "Oh? who could he be?" "He seemed a well-be-doing man had grey hair and a broadish face; but he gave no name, and no message." "Nor do I gi'e him any attention." And, saying this, Henchard closed his door. The divergence to Mellstock delayed Farfrae's return very nearly the two hours of Henchard's estimate.

"You must know," he said, "that when in India some years ago I made several coasting voyages with a certain sea-captain as surgeon of his ship, at periods when my health required recruiting. I received from that gentleman every attention and kindness that the heart of a good man could suggest. On one of these voyages we had a native prince on board.

A traveller named Burnaby tells of a similar offence of an English sea-captain who was soundly whipped for kissing his wife on the street of a New England town on Sunday, and of his retaliation in kind, by a clever trick upon his chastisers; but Burnaby's narrative always seemed to me of dubious credibility.

By convention, all characters, regardless of their education or station in life, were considered capable of talking not only verse, but poetry. The untutored sea-captain in Twelfth Night spoke of "Arion on the dolphin's back," and in another play the sapheads Salanio and Salarino discoursed most eloquent music.

It seems that a certain sea-captain was commissioned to bring back to this country the best Dandie to be had in all Scotland. He sent his quartermaster to find him, and the quartermaster found Mop under a private carriage, in Argyle Street, Glasgow, and brought him on board. That is Mop's pedigree. Mop died of old age and of a complication of diseases, in the spring of 1892.

I do believe Dick really thinks he can play. It is the same with golf. Beginners are invariably lucky. "I think I shall like it," they tell you; "I seem to have the game in me, if you understand." 'There is a friend of mine, an old sea-captain.

The succeeding shocks became weaker and weaker, till at last we felt no more of them.” A courageous sea-captain at last sailed away in safety, though chased by the Spanish brigs of war, and after thirty days at sea Waterton landed in England. Another uncle had estates in Demerara, and in the autumn Waterton sailed thither from Portsmouth.

I'll tell you what it is, Robson, I'm getting kind of tired of the goings. I'm just about ready to settle down by the old steam-radiator. And as long as I've got eyesight enough to look the field over, I've decided on a traveling-man or a sea-captain.