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After their marriage Mariette and Jerome came to les Rouxey to succeed to Modinier in due time. The Baron restored and repaired the house to suit his daughter's taste. When she heard that these improvements had cost about sixty thousand francs, and that Rosalie and her father were building a conservatory, the Baroness understood that there was a leaven of spite in her daughter.

The Baron in his indifference for his wife was to have, and in fact had, forty thousand francs a year left the management of les Rouxey to a sort of factotum, an old servant of the Wattevilles named Modinier. Nevertheless, whenever the Baron and his wife wished to go out of the town, they went to les Rouxey, which is very picturesquely situated.

"We owe that," said her father, "to the notorious Watteville." "On my word," said the girl, "he did his best to earn forgiveness. Let us go in a boat to the further end; it will give us an appetite for breakfast." The Baron called two gardener lads who knew how to row, and took with him his prime minister Modinier.

Rosalie had presence of mind enough to disguise her delight, so as to work more effectually on her father. "What action?" said she. "Mademoiselle, the people of Riceys," said Modinier, "have long enjoyed the right of grazing and cutting fodder on their side of the Dent de Vilard.

The lake was about six acres in breadth, in some places ten or twelve, and four hundred in length. Rosalie soon found herself at the upper end shut in by the Dent de Vilard, the Jungfrau of that little Switzerland. "Here we are, Monsieur le Baron," said Modinier, signing to the gardeners to tie up the boat; "will you come and look?" "Look at what?" asked Rosalie.

And, therefore, to avoid all worry, I should wish to come to a friendly understanding as to my border line on this side of the Dent de Vilard, and I will then raise a wall." "If you give way to the municipality, it will swallow you up. You ought to have threatened Riceys." "That is just what I told the master last evening," said Modinier.

"My dear father," said Rosalie, as they got into the boat again, "I agree with Modinier. If you wish to secure the joint possession of the Dent de Vilard, you must act with decision, and get a legal opinion which will protect you against this enterprising Chantonnit. Why should you be afraid?