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You made a Pope of her, believed all she said, did as she pleased, and she was flattered, and absorbed you more and more, till really you both came to treating Lady Elizabeth's opinion as a nonentity. Can you deny it? 'No. More would have been said, but Theodora would not hear, and went on. 'See the consequence.

The undercurrent of Elizabeth's thoughts as she listened to the spiritless tale was, "but John's so different from pa." "I reckon I'll never have no help from you now," Mrs. Farnshaw continued in the same whine. The girl crossed the room and put her arms tenderly around her mother's neck. "I'll live real near you, ma, and you can come and see me every few days.

We contend, that for tolerably good land, situated advantageously, that is, with a ready access to good markets and good fairs, such as those of Coventry, Birmingham, Gloucester, Worcester, Shrewsbury,. &c., one noble might be assumed as the annual rent; and that in such situations twenty years' purchase was not a valuation, even in Elizabeth's reign, very unusual.

Presented at court, admitted to the rare aristocratic privilege of riding in the king's carriages at Versailles, laughed at as the Princess Elizabeth's living specimen of inoculation, the incipient courtier and embryo revolutionist was awakened from his delightful vision to find himself suddenly transferred from his regal residence and gayeties, to the sombre solitude of a country jail.

Discoursing afterwards with him of our family he told me, that when I come to his house he will show me a decree in Chancery, wherein there was twenty-six men all housekeepers in the town of Cottenham, in Queene Elizabeth's time, of our name.

Elizabeth's ideas were not poetic; they did not express art for art's sake; anybody could see that; but, after all, there would be days January days when a fireplace alone, however beautiful as an ornament, would not make enough impression on the family circle, and scarcely any at all on the up-stairs.

It was at last agreed that the sum of the debt should be fixed at L800,000, and that the cautionary towns should be held in Elizabeth's hands by English troops until all the debt should be discharged.

There are men of ability in politics, but no giants: or if one of the giants, like Bacon, divides his attention between the two fields, the best half of it goes to literature. Yet it is essentially the same spirit which works in the great men of Elizabeth's closing years as in the great men of her youth and of her maturity.

Elizabeth's College at Winchester. "Give it here," said the young man. "I would give it to his reverence himself," said Ambrose. "His reverence is taking his after-dinner nap and may not be disturbed," said the man. "Then I will wait," said Ambrose. The door was shut in his face, but it was the shady side of the court, and he sat down on a bench and waited.

Amongst those she read were Queen Elizabeth's Homilies, Hooker's Politie, Donne's Sermons, and George Herbert's Temple, to the dying lady only less dear than her New Testament. But even with this last, it was only through sympathy with her mother that Dorothy could come into any contact.