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Michael Strogoff and the young Livonian had taken a passage on board the Caucasus. Their embarkation was made without any difficulty. As is known, the podorojna, drawn up in the name of Nicholas Korpanoff, authorized this merchant to be accompanied on his journey to Siberia. They appeared, therefore, to be a brother and sister traveling under the protection of the imperial police.

It is to it that you must attribute this fatal impression, and not to an excellent work, irreproachable for its special purpose, and duly authorized by the Church. You are not able to judge of such a production." "I will speak of it no more, father," said Gabriel: and he thus resumed: "A long illness followed that terrible night. Many times, they feared for my reason.

This exalted finance-chairman would be much like the First Lord of the Treasury, commonly called the prime minister. This illustration shows how wide the divergence has become between our system and that of Great Britain. Our secretary of state is our minister of foreign affairs, and is the only officer who is authorized to communicate with other governments in the name of the president.

"O, no, it isn't necessary, I said, as the volley was fired over the graves, but it will make his mother or his sister feel better to know that there are a few roses in there, and it won't hurt anybody. I will just play that I am the authorized agent of that Confederate soldier's sister.

It is certified by half a dozen officials authorized to administer oaths in Canada, though they, of course, never knew the contents of the paper to which they swore him. He even carried it to New York and swore to it there before the consul-general of Austria-Hungary in that city.

In recommending that the regulation of any silver coinage which may be authorized by Congress should observe these conditions of commercial value and limited legal tender, I am governed by the feeling that every possible increase should be given to the volume of metallic money which can be kept in circulation, and thereby every possible aid afforded to the people in the process of resuming specie payments.

'Yes, said I. 'Well, he says, 'I'm not authorized to say this be th' propaganda, he says, 'an' 'tis no part iv th' directions f'r Lent, he says; 'but, he says, 'I'll tell ye this, Martin, he says, 'that they'se more ways than wan iv keepin' th' season, he says. 'I've knowed thim that starved th' stomach to feast th' evil temper, he says.

That the Indians had determined to give him battle was well understood; and the discipline of his legion, the ardour of all his troops, and the superiority of his numbers, authorized him confidently to expect a favourable issue.

Understood as meaning the world, or the universe, the phrase, 'my father's house, would be a better translation than the authorized; understood as meaning the poor, miserable, God-forsaken temple no more the house of God than a dead body is the house of a man it is immeasurably inferior.

Murray took Adam's place in Holland. The president was authorized to appoint two or more agents, one to reside in Great Britain, the others at such points as the executive might choose, to investigate and report concerning all impressments of American seamen by British cruisers.