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The Flagstaff marks a very high point on the Heath, 439 feet, which is, however, surpassed by Jack Straw's Castle at 443 feet. The Whitestone Pond has been enlarged, and is supplied by New River water. From this site a view of surprising beauty is seen broken ground covered by bracken and gorse, bushes and trees, with the blue outlines of the distant hills.

The will of man is little less than omnipotent in the wide sphere of its appropriate power; and that sphere is much wider than feeble-minded people may suppose. LIFE AND CORRESPONDENCE OF THEODORE PARKER, Minister of the Twenty-eighth Congregational Society, Boston. By JOHN WEISS. In 2 volumes. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 443 & 445 Broadway.

In the first line of 64, the true reading is Survamarmajna, and not Sarvadharmajna. The last word of the second line is variously read. The Bengal reading is Mahadwijas, probably implying Garuda, the prince of birds. I have adopted the Bombay reading. 443. i.e., with temporal juice trickling down. The duty consisted in not retreating from the field. 445. i.e., the rescue of the king.

The younger Pitt, influenced by Adam Smith, whose Wealth of Nations appeared in 1776, reduced and simplified these duties; but 443 Acts still survived when in 1825 Huskisson and other enlightened statesmen secured their consolidation and reduction to eleven. This Tariff Reform, as its supporters called it, was a step towards Free Trade.

His features, pale and haggard, showed the fatigue and privations which he had endured; but his dress was Balfour, iii. 432, 439; iv. 8-13. Whitelock, 435, 452, 453, 454, 455. Clarendon, iii. 348-353. Laing, iii. 443.

The coffee tree being a shrub that yields a good harvest only in the fourth year, the exportation of coffee from the port of the Havannah was, in 1804, only 50,000 arrobas. It rose: In 1809 to 320,000 arrobas. In 1815 to 918,263 arrobas. In 1815, when the price of coffee was fifteen piastres the quintal, the value of the exportation from the Havannah exceeded the sum of 3,443,000 piastres.

The leaves of the desert shrub are, however, much smaller; and more resembling, in that particular, those represented in the engraving given by Desfontaines, in the Memoires de l'Academie Royale des Sciences, 1788, p. 443.

The names of S. Caterina, S. Bernardino, and Bernardo Tolomei occur to the mind. Storia Fiorintina, vol. i. p. 87. Arch. Stor. vol. iii. p. 443. Burigozzo, pp. 485-89. Enough has now been quoted from various original sources to illustrate the feverish recurrences of superstitious panics in Italy during the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.

The brave and brilliant Theodore Winthrop, who gave up his young life to his country in the battle of Big Bethel, has rendered this name dear to all loyal Americans. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 443 and 445 Broadway. A Novel of American life, incident, and character. The style is easy, the tale interesting, the moral healthful. There is considerable humor in the delineation of character.

Hoveden, p. 443. Chron. Mailr. p. 158. There are two circumstances related of Siward, which discover his high sense of honour, and his martial disposition. When intelligence was brought him of his son Osberne’s death, he was inconsolable till he heard that the wound was received in the breast, and that he had behaved with great gallantry in the action.