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At that price they had a right to enjoy themselves a little. Austria showed herself generous in the midst of her financial crisis. Her public contributions amounted to the sum of 216,000 florins a perfect godsend.

Perhaps Hannibal, in arranging the surprise, had known something of the commander and what to expect of him; or he may merely have counted as he had often done before on the effects of curiosity. But time after time he traded on the weakness of man, and always succeeded. It was in June 216 B.C. that Hannibal gained his last great battle in Italy.

These are the Agur bricks mentioned by Benjamin; cf. Isaiah xxvii. 9. II, 216, gives a full account of his visit to the tomb. Layard, speaking of Birs Nimroud, says: "To the south-west in the extreme distance rise the palm-trees of Kifil, casting their scanty shade over a small dome, the tomb of Ezekiel. Dr. On the other hand, the word was chosen having regard to Hosea ix. 7.

The receipts of the Post-Office Department for the fiscal year ending June 30 last amounted to $121,848,047.26, an increase of $10,216,853.87 over the preceding year, the largest increase known in the history of the postal service. The magnitude of this increase will best appear from the fact that the entire postal receipts for the year 1860 amounted to but $8,518,067.

* Rush. vol. ii. p. 202, 203. Rush, vol. ii. p. 215, 216, etc. Prynne, a barrister of Lincoln's Inn, had written an enormous quarto of a thousand pages, which he called Histrio-Mastyx. Its professed purpose was to decry stage-plays, comedies, interludes, music, dancing; but the author likewise took occasion to declaim against hunting, public festivals, Christmas-keeping, bonfires, and may-poles.

For the Directoire was in great danger; it had come face to face with a situation in which it required all the support its general could give, and in return conceded to him a corresponding increase of powers. In March and April the first election for the renewal of the Councils was held, and out of 216 outgoing ex-conventionnels who appealed to the electorate, 205 were defeated at the polls.

It is hardly to be expected that government regulation will be faultless, American experience with regulating commissions has not been altogether satisfactory, but society needs protection, and this the government may well provide. 216. =Trusts.= The tendency to monopoly is not confined to any one department of economic activity.

Introduction to Romero, p. x.; Arnaudin, p. 5. Pitré, vol. iv. p. xvii. "Wide-awake Stories," p. 1; Knowles, p. ix. White, vol. i. p. vi.; Sir G. Grey, p. vii.; Gill, p. xx.; Rink, pp. 83, 85. Ellis, "History of Madagascar," vol. i. p. 264; Sproat, "Scenes and Studies of Savage Life," p. 51; Im Thurn, pp. 215, 216. Burton, "Nights," vol. x. p. 163; "Revue des Trad. Pop." vol. iv. p. 6.

Jacques de Boiscoran was a prisoner, to be kept in close confinement. The Paris house of the Boiscoran family, No. 216 University Street, is a house of modest appearance. The yard in front is small; and the few square yards of damp soil in the rear hardly deserve the name of a garden. But appearances are deceptive.

Following page 216, four sheets containing the conclusion of the story are cut out of the notebook. They appear, the pages numbered 217 to 223, among the Shelley-Rolls fragments. The mode of telling the story in the final draft differs radically from that in the rough draft. In The Fields of Fancy Mathilda's history is set in a fanciful framework.