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Aen. 1, 22 venire excidio; Plin. N.H. 28, 106 odio; Caes. B.G. 5, 27 subsidio. QUORUM ... MULTORUM: the first genitive is dependent on the second, so that quorum = e quibus. Notice the separation of quorum from multorum and of multorum from senectutem. SINE QUERELLA: attribute of senectutem.

First drink thou therefrom, and proffer it then to such as turn towards it amongst the peoples of all faiths. Thus hath the Moon of Utterance risen above the horizon of wisdom and understanding. 106 Tear asunder the veils of human learning lest they hinder thee from Him Who is My name, the Self-Subsisting.

At length the tellers made their report to the Speaker, himself an ardent anti-Unionist, and it was announced that the numbers were "for the address 105, for the amendment 106," so the paragraph in favour of "consolidating the empire" was lost by one vote! The remainder of the address, tainted with the association of the expunged paragraph, was barely carried by 107 to 105. Mr.

Again, Shiba Yoshitoshi, in addition to owning 10,816 cho, officiated as tandai of Kyushu, which gave him jurisdiction over another extent of 106,553 cho, though it is true that his authority was defied in the provinces of Satsuma and Osumi.

For detailed lists of the points of agreement presented by the Hebrew Versions J and P to the account in the Gilgamesh Epic, see Skinner, op. cit., p. 177 f.; Driver, Genesis, p. 106 f.; and Gordon, Early Traditions of Genesis , pp. 38 ff.

Danvers autopsy series, unselected cases 1000 Cases with little or no gross brain disease 306 Cases listed as having autopsychic delusions 106 Cases listed as having only autopsychic delusions 50 Cases for various reasons improperly classified 13 Cases of general paresis in which gross brain lesions were not observed 15 Residue of autopsychic cases 22

The net saving to the Government on these transactions aggregates $9,106,166. Another effect of the operation, as stated by the Secretary, is to reduce the charge upon the Treasury for the payment of interest from the dates of refunding to February 1, 1904, by the sum of more than seven million dollars annually.

On the conclusion of peace in England and America an accumulated stock of English goods poured forth, and the imports of the United States instantly rose from $12,000.000 in 1814, to $106,000,000 in 1815. These importations were out of proportion to the exports and to the needs of the country, and they caused the stoppage of a large number of American factories.

A snake cries, "Huhu, huhu." A child says, "Come out." The snake comes out, then the child inquires about her little sister: "Hast thou not seen little Red-stockings?" The snake says, "No." "Neither have I." "Then I am like you. Huhu, huhu, huhu." 106 The Poor Miller's Boy and the Cat In a certain mill lived an old miller who had neither wife nor child, and three apprentices served under him.

In the previous year, a motion of Canning's, in favour of "a final and conciliatory adjustment," which was carried by an unexpected majority of 235 to 106, encouraged Grattan to prepare a detailed Emancipation Bill, instead of making his usual annual motion of referring the Catholic petitions to the consideration of the Committee.