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Blessed harmonies floated under the high, arched dome: "Procedenti ab utroque Compar sit laudatio " They had sung something like that. And then the priest had raised the gleaming monstrance on high, and all the people had bowed deeply: Qui vivis et regnas in sæcula sæculorum. Yes, he had remembered that Latin well. He would never forget it all his life.

And the young girl gazed with pity as the remains of the Marquis de Ligne, her father, were borne by. Qui vivis et regnas. Glorificamus te. Longer and longer trailed the shadow of a tall tombstone until, as the sun went down, it merged into the general twilight like a life lengthening out and out and finally blending in restful darkness.

To have done anything so clever as that might have been thought to have earned the right to headstone and epitaph in full. Yet his resting-place remains unmarked, and his name apparently dogged him to the end, and past it. "What was that about De mortuis?" came the question from Murphy. "Nil nisi bonum." "That never should have been raised, in his case. What about De vivis?"

"Because my art, and my heart too, tells me that your fortunes and his are linked together. I have studied my tables, but they would not answer. Then I cast lots in Virgilius " "And what found you there?" asked he, anxiously. "I opened at the lines, 'Pacem me exanimis et Martis sorte peremptis Oratis? Equidem et vivis concedere vellem." "And what means that?"

Quod privatus a populo petit, aut populus a privato, senatus ex aliqua civitate, qui judicet, datur, cui alternoe civitates rejectoe sunt. Quod vivis Romanus a siculo petit, siculus judex datur quod siculus a cive Romano, civis Romanus datur. Coeterarum rerum selecti judices ex civium Romanorum conventu proponi solent.

Yet censure is not heard beneath the tomb, any more than praise. "De mortuis nil nisi verum De vivis nil nisi bonum" would approach much nearer to good sense. After all, the few handfuls of remaining dust which once composed the body of the author of the "Night Thoughts" feel not much concern whether Young pass now for a man of sorrow or for "a fellow of infinite jest."