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Go there on the next visiting-day, and ask that figure crouched in the corner, huddled up like those Indian mummies and skeletons found buried in the sitting posture, to lift its hand, look upon its heart, and behold, not fire, but ashes. No, I must not think of such an ending! Dying would be a much more gentlemanly way of meeting the difficulty.

The New and the Middle Exchange were alive with beribboned fops and painted belles. It was Lady Fareham's visiting-day. The tall windows of her saloon were open to the terrace, French windows that reached from ceiling to floor, like those at the Hotel de Rambouillet, and which Hyacinth had substituted for the small Jacobean casements, when she took possession of her husband's ancestral mansion.

We need not aim at philanthropies; we need not have a visiting-day, nor seek a prison-house built of stone. On every road each man we meet is a prisoner; he is dying at heart, however sound he looks; he is only waiting, however well he works. If we stop to ask whether he be our brother, he is gone. Our one smile would have lit up his prison-day. Alas for us if we smiled not as we passed by!

"How I wish thou couldst see our river-terrace on my sister's visiting-day, when De Malfort is lolling on the marble balustrade, singing one of your favourite chansons to the guitar which he touches so exquisitely, and when Hyacinth's fine lady friends and foppish admirers are sitting about in the sunshine! Thou wouldst confess that even Renard's garden can show no gayer scene.