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A controversy with C. Kingsley, who had written that N. "did not consider truth a necessary virtue," led to the publication of his Apologia pro Vita Sua , one of the most remarkable books of religious autobiography ever written. N.'s later years were passed at the oratory at Birmingham. In 1879 he was summoned to Rome and cr. Cardinal of St. George in Velabro.

The grotto dedicated to him was on the northwest slope of the Palatine, nearly opposite the Church of Saint George in Velabro, across the Via di San Teodoro; and all that remains of the great festival in which Mark Antony and the rest ran like wild men through the streets of Rome, smiting men and women with the purifying leathern thong, and offering at last that crown which Cæsar thrice refused, is merged and forgotten, with the Saturnalia, in the ten days' feasting and rioting that change to the ashes and sadness of Lent, as the darkest night follows the brightest day.

To the door of the Church of Saint George in Velabro he affixed a proclamation, or a prophecy, which set forth that Rome should soon be restored to the 'Good Estate'; he collected a hundred of his friends in a meeting by night, on the Aventine, to decide upon a course of action, and he summoned all citizens to appear before the church of Sant' Angelo in Pescheria, towards evening, peacefully and without arms, to provide for the restoration of that 'Good Estate' which he himself had announced.

The gates and walls that enclosed this original city remained visible down to the period of the empire: the sites of two of the former, the Porta Romana near S. Giorgio in Velabro, and the Porta Mugionis at the Arch of Titus, are still known to us, and the Palatine ring-wall is described by Tacitus from his own observation at least on the sides looking towards the Aventine and Caelian.

The street they took was named for Saint Theodore. To the left, down the Via del Velabro, they saw an arch with many niches on the sides of the single opening. A band of black seminarians passed. "Poor creatures!" murmured Caesar. "Are you very sympathetic?" said Susanna, mockingly. "Yes, those chaps rouse my pity."

In Tusco vico ibi sunt homines, qui ipsi sese venditant. In Velabro vel pistorem vel lanium vel haruspicem Vel qui ipsi vorsant, vel qui aliis, ut vorsentur, praebeant. Ditis damnosos maritos apud Leucadiam Oppiam. The same was the case with the butchers. Leucadia Oppia may have kept a house of bad fame. II. IX. The Roman National Festival III. XIII. Religious Economy Literature and Art

In Tusco vico ibi sunt homines, qui ipsi sese venditant. In Velabro vel pistorem vel lanium vel haruspicem Vel qui ipsi vorsant, vel qui aliis, ut vorsentur, praebeant. Ditis damnosos maritos apud Leucadiam Oppiam. The same was the case with the butchers. Leucadia Oppia may have kept a house of bad fame. II. IX. The Roman National Festival III. XIII. Religious Economy Literature and Art

The gates and walls that enclosed this original city remained visible down to the period of the empire: the sites of two of the former, the Porta Romana near S. Giorgio in Velabro, and the Porta Mugionis at the Arch of Titus, are still known to us, and the Palatine ring-wall is described by Tacitus from his own observation at least on the sides looking towards the Aventine and Caelian.

George in Velabro, who took the name of Martin V.; and by his virtues and his talents succeeded in restoring: peace to Rome itself, and to the whole Catholic world. It was generally supposed, even during her lifetime, and much more after her death, that Francesca's prayers, her tears and her sufferings, had accelerated that blessed event, and drawn down the mercy of God on His afflicted Church.