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Himself riding on an Airavata created by his powers of illusion, the other Dik-elephants, viz., Anjana, Vamana, and Mahapadma of blazing glory, followed him. And those three mighty elephants, ridden by Rakshasas, were of huge form, with juice profusely trickling down in three lines, and endued with great speed and prowess.

Proceeding then to Maheswarapura, and worshipping the god having the bull for his mark, fasting the while, one obtaineth, without doubt, the fruition of all his desires. Repairing then to Vamana that destroys every sin, and beholding the god Hari, one acquireth exemption from every misfortune. One should next go to the asylum of Kusika that is capable of removing every sin.

Proceeding then to Maheswarapura, and worshipping the god having the bull for his mark, fasting the while, one obtaineth, without doubt, the fruition of all his desires. Repairing then to Vamana that destroys every sin, and beholding the god Hari, one acquireth exemption from every misfortune. One should next go to the asylum of Kusika that is capable of removing every sin.

A man is said to adopt the vow called Go, when he sleepeth wherever he listeth, and when he subsisteth on anything that others place before him, and is clad with robes that others may supply. Here in the race of the celebrated elephant Supratika were born those best of elephants known by the names of Airavata, Vamana, Kumuda and Anjana, the first being the king of his tribe.

And he said, "Born in the race of Airavata this prince of Nagas is named Sumukha. He is the favourite grandson of Aryaka, and the daughter's son of Vamana. The father of this youth was, O Matali, the Naga called Chikura. Not long before was he slain by Vinata's Son."

Mârkaṇḍeya, Vâmana and Varâha. Vanaparvan, 11001 ff. XII. sec. 283. In the same way the worship of Dionysus was once a novelty in Greece and not countenanced by the more conservative and respectable party. See Eur. Bacchae, 45. The Varâha-Purâna relates that the Śivaite scriptures were revealed for the benefit of certain Brahmans whose sins had rendered them incapable of performing Vedic rites.

Bathing there in Vishnupada and worshipping Vamana one's soul being purified from every sin, one goeth to the abode of Vishnu. Bathing next in Kulampuna, one sanctifieth his own race. Proceeding then to the Pavana-hrada, that excellent tirtha of the Marutas, and bathing there, O king and tiger among men, one becometh adored in the region of the Wind-god.

The Three-stepped Lord, Vishnu became vamana or the dwarf for robbing the Asura Vali of his dominions. Disguised in that shape he asked of Vali three steps of land. Vali, smiling at the littleness of what was asked, gave it. But when the dwarf expanded his form and covered the heavens and the earth with only two steps of his, no space could be found for the third step.

No inscriptions nor ancient references testify to the worship of Râma before our era and in the subsequent centuries two phases can be distinguished. First, Râma is a great hero, an incarnation of Vishṇu for a particular purpose and analogous to the Vâmana or any other avatâra: deserving as such of all respect but still not the object of any special cult.

After these regions is seen a habitation of the name of Sama. It is of a starry-shape having four corners, and it hath, O king, thirty-three mandalas. There dwell, O Kauravya, four princely elephants adored by all. They are, O best of the Bharatas, Vamana, and Airavata, and another, and also Supratika.