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Marion, with his ragged followers, who, untitled, could give such annoyance to His Majesty's officers, a degree of respect which his title might not otherwise have commanded. Tarleton's Campaigns, 4to ed. p. 171. Marion retreats before a superior Force Defeats the Tories at Black Mingo Surprises and disperses the Force of Colonel Tynes at Tarcote Is pursued by Tarleton.

Tynes had brought with him from Charleston, large supplies of the materials of war and comfort commodities of which the poor patriots stood grievously in need.

This news was soon brought to general Marion, who thereupon, desired me to take forty of our best cavaliers, and see if we could not scourge colonel Tynes once more. About sunset we mounted, and travelled hard all that night and until the middle of next day, when we halted, for refreshment, at the house of one who was truly a "publican and sinner", for he was a great TORY.

Tynes had collected a second force, and, penetrating the forests of Black river, was approaching the camp of our partisan. Marion went against him, fell upon him suddenly, completely routed him, taking himself and almost his whole party prisoners. He made his escape a second time from North Carolina, and with a third and larger force than ever, reappeared in the neighborhood of Marion's camp.

The roar of our guns first broke their slumbers; and by the time the frightened wretches had got upon their legs, man and horse, we were among them hewing down. Three and thirty fell under our swords; forty-six were taken; the rest, about sixty, made their escape. Colonel Tynes himself, with upwards of one hundred horses, and all the baggage, fell into our hands.

Spit on the Stane, and it will be wet at the last. Sike lippes, sike Latace. Soon gotten, soon spended. Saw thin, and maw thin. Speir at Jock-thief my marrow, if I be a leal man. Seldom rides, tynes the spurres. She's a foul bird that syles her own nest. Sike man, sike master. Seil comes not while sorrow be gone. Sooth bourd is na bourd. Sike a man as thou would be, draw thee to sike company.

The strength of the British was double his own, and, to increase his anxieties, it was discovered that one of his men, probably one of the late converts, who had joined the ranks after the defeat of Tynes, had deserted to the enemy. In command of a force so superior, and in possession of a guide well acquainted with the country, Tarleton was too strong to be withstood.

Colonel Tynes, the famous tory partisan, attempts to surprise Marion is himself surprised and taken, with nearly all his party the author, with thirty choice cavaliers, sent by Marion to reconnoitre defeat of a British party of horse anecdote of Scotch Macdonald surprise and slaughter of the tories captain Lewis is killed anecdote of an extraordinary lad.

All hands fell to work, currying, rubbing and feeding their horses, like young men preparing for a ball or barbecue. Then after a hearty supper and a few hours' sleep, we all sprung upon our chargers again, and dashed off about one o'clock, to try our fortune with colonel Tynes. Just before day, we came upon the enemy, whom we found buried in sleep.

That we should have obtained a most complete victory, is very certain. For in a few days after this, we laid hands upon some of those very same tories, who stated, that in consequence of the noise which we made that night, colonel Tynes despatched some of his cavalry up the road next morning, to see what was the matter.