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Updated: August 14, 2024

Well, as yuv was rikkinin' the trushnee an' siggerin burry ora bender the drum, he dicked a rye, who penned, "If tute'll jaw to the ker and hatch minni's juckal ta mandy, mi'll del tute a pash-korauna." So he got a waver chavo to rikker the trushnee for pash the wongur, whilst he jalled for the juckal. So he lelled it.

Yeckorus a tano Gorgio chivved apre a shubo an' jalled to a puri Rommany dye to get dukkered. And she pookered lester, "Tute'll rummorben a Fair Man with kauli yakkas." Then the raklo delled laki yeck shukkori an' penned, "If this shukkori was as boro as the hockaben tute pukkered mandy, tute might porder sar the bongo tem with rupp."

A long time after, the gentleman met the Gipsy, and said, "You thief, did you catch the fish in my pond with a hook?" "Yes, sir, with a hook," replied the Gipsy very quietly. "And what kind of a hook?" When you give a man leave to fish in your pond, you had better be present and see how he does it. If you more the first sappa you dicks, tute'll more the first enemy you've got.

But pen mandy the nav of the kaulo rye." Then the dye shelled avree, very hunnalo, "Beng is the nav of tute's pirryno, and yuv se kaulo adusta." If you chore puri juvas tute'll lel the beng. But when the woman demanded her money, the girl said, "Old mother, I haven't got a halfpenny to give you. But tell me the name of the dark gentleman."

I've got some fine habben!" She penned to a rakli, "Pet your wonger adree turo wast an I'll dukker tute." An' she lelled a pash bar from the rani. She penned her: "You kaums a rye a longo duros. He's a kaulo and there's a waver rye, a pauno, that kaums you too, an' you'll soon lel a chinamangree. Tute'll rummorben before dui besh, an' be the dye of trin chavis.

All'ers haw sar the habben foki banders apre a tute, an' tute'll jal sikker men dush an' tukli. Once a young man courted three girls together, and none of the three knew he was courting the two others. And that youth lived in a little place near the side of the great salt water, and one night all the girls came at once together to him, and none of the girls knew the others were coming there.

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