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Tu canis Ascraei veteris praecepta poetae, Quo seges in campo, quo viret uva iugo. Tale facis carmen, docta testudine quale Cynthius impositis temperat articulis."

The vaulting of the tower is his work testudine pulcherrimâ concameratam consummavit and he also added the buttressing arches with great care and industry he annexed to the columns which support the same tower two arches or vaults of stonework, curiously carved, and four smaller ones, to assist in sustaining the said tower."

We stave 'em off, say: that case, they'll settle down to starve us, right and proper." "Siege," assented Heywood. "Siege, like you read about." The captain lay flat again. "Wish a man could smoke up here." Heywood laughed, and turned his head: "How much do you know about sieges, old chap?" "Nothing," Rudolph confessed. "Nor I, worse luck. Outside of school testudine facia, that sort of thing.

I who, for my part, understand but one of them, can only say this, according to my poor talent, that I do not believe the Muses themselves could ever go beyond the Roman: "Tale facit carmen docta testudine, quale Cynthius impositis temperat articulis:"

He who has mastered the details of this section has at his feet the whole broad realm of which this province holds one of the key-fortresses. Ex testudine naturam. We are unwilling to speak of the illustrations comparatively without more extended means of judgment than we have at hand.