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The Honourable Hilary sat in his usual arm-chair; Mr. Botcher severely strained the tensile strength of the bedsprings; Mr. Hamilton Tooting stood before the still waving portieres in front of the folding doors; and Mr. Manning, the division superintendent, sat pensively, with his pen in his mouth, before the marble-topped table from which everything had been removed but a Bible.

A. A bar of wrought iron to which a tensile or compressing strain is applied, is elongated or contracted like a very stiff spiral spring, nearly in the proportion of the amount of strain applied up to the limit at which the strength begins to give way, and within this limit it will recover its original dimensions when the strain is removed.

What is this material, sir?” continued the cadet, resting a hand on a piston rod. “Brass,” Benson replied, promptly. “Do you know the specific gravity and the tensile strength of this brass?” Before Jack could answer Mr. Mayhew broke in, crisply: “That will do, Mr. Merriam.

Until then we had been forced to be satisfied with steel running between 60,000 and 70,000 pounds tensile strength. With vanadium, the strength went up to 170,000 pounds. Having vanadium in hand I pulled apart our models and tested in detail to determine what kind of steel was best for every part whether we wanted a hard steel, a tough steel, or an elastic steel.

W.V. Van Wyk, of 30 and 31 Newgate street, E.C. In the test applied by them, a joint of this "Hercules glue," as it is called, in a 4 in. single belt was stronger than the solid leather. When a tensile stress of 2,174 lb., equivalent to 2,860 lb. per square inch of section, was applied, the leather gave way, leaving the joint intact.

Q. What are the ultimate strengths of the malleable and cast iron, brass, and other materials employed in the construction of engines? A. The tensile and crushing strengths of any given material are by no means the same.

In this modern use of iron advantage is taken of its great tensile strength, and many iron bridges, over which enormous trains of heavily-loaded cars pass hourly, look as though they were spun from gossamer threads, and yet are stronger than any structure of wood or stone would be.

A. He found that boiler plate bore a tensile strain of 23 tons per square inch before rupture, which was reduced to 16 tons per square inch when joined together by a double row of rivets, and 13 tons, or about 30,000, when joined together by a single row of rivets.

Certainly gold doesn't have enough tensile strength to hold itself up under this gravity not in such masses as that." Arcot brought the ship down beside the tower and the men once more went out through the airlock into the cold of the almost airless world. They flew across to the pyramid and looked for some means of entrance.

The knowledge of the arch as a method of construction with stone or brick both of them materials aptly fitted for resistance under pressure, but of comparatively no tensile strength enabled the Romans to surpass all nations that had preceded them in the course of history in building bridges.