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He was a man of war from his youth, and was engaged in controversies almost until his death. His first important one was with Gilbert Burnet, and led to his being imprisoned in Newgate. He was, however, a man of real learning. The work materially helped towards the subsequent purification of the stage. Actor and writer, was a staymaker, but took to the stage, on which he was fairly successful.

I'll be sworn the false hair this good staymaker has on cost a guinea." "You must show us the famous 'dark walks, Mr. Tyers," says Dorothy. "Surely you will not care to see those, Miss Manners." "O lud, of course you must," chimed in the Miss Stanleys; "there is no spice in these flaps and flies."

I'll be sworn the false hair this good staymaker has on cost a guinea." "You must show us the famous 'dark walks, Mr. Tyers," says Dorothy. "Surely you will not care to see those, Miss Manners." "O lud, of course you must," chimed in the Miss Stanleys; "there is no spice in these flaps and flies."

Do you feel for me?" tragically, "or are you trying to worm my secret from me?" "Neither one nor the other," coolly. "I know your secret. You are no spirit and no princess. I shall pity you perhaps when you go to some honest work. Why," with sudden interest, "I can find steady work for you at once. A staymaker in the village told me the other day " "I make stays!" They both laughed.

I'll be sworn the false hair this good staymaker has on cost a guinea." "You must show us the famous 'dark walks, Mr. Tyers," says Dorothy. "Surely you will not care to see those, Miss Manners." "O lud, of course you must," chimed in the Miss Stanleys; "there is no spice in these flaps and flies."

"We are the sons as you already know, of the two youngest Daughters which Lord St Clair had by Laurina an italian opera girl. Our mothers could neither of them exactly ascertain who were our Father, though it is generally beleived that Philander, is the son of one Philip Jones a Bricklayer and that my Father was one Gregory Staves a Staymaker of Edinburgh.

A member of more note was one Hugh Kelly, a second-rate author, who, as he became a kind of competitor of Goldsmith's, deserves particular mention. He was an Irishman, about twenty-eight years of age, originally apprenticed to a staymaker in Dublin; then writer to a London attorney; then a Grub Street hack, scribbling for magazines and newspapers.

"We are the sons as you already know, of the two youngest Daughters which Lord St Clair had by Laurina an italian opera girl. Our mothers could neither of them exactly ascertain who were our Father, though it is generally beleived that Philander, is the son of one Philip Jones a Bricklayer and that my Father was one Gregory Staves a Staymaker of Edinburgh.

"Rebellious Staymaker; unkempt," says Carlyle; but General Charles Lee noted that there was "genius in his eyes," and he bore a letter of introduction from Franklin commending him as an "ingenious, worthy young man," which obtained for him a position on the "Pennsylvania Magazine."

Dramatist, s. of a Dublin publican, worked in London as a staymaker, 1760, and after ed. various journals, wrote Memoirs of a Magdalen . His play, False Delicacy , had an extraordinary success, and was translated into French, German, and Portuguese. His other plays had no great success. He left off writing for the stage in 1774, and endeavoured to practise as a barrister, but without success.