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Who were to arrange the betrothal of Elizabeth to the Duke of Angoulesme. Henry VIII. to De Bryon: State Papers, Vol. VII. p. 589. State Papers, Vol. VII. p. 591. "Suâ sponte solius veritatis propagandæ studio; nullâ regiæ Majestatis intercessione expectatâ." Cromwell to Cassalis: Ibid. p. 592.

We have so surcharged her with the additional ornaments and graces we have added to the beauty and riches of her own works by our inventions, that we have almost smothered her; yet in other places, where she shines in her own purity and proper lustre, she marvellously baffles and disgraces all our vain and frivolous attempts: "Et veniunt hederae sponte sua melius; Surgit et in solis formosior arbutus antris; Et volucres nulls dulcius arte canunt."

"Sponte sua carmen numeros veniebat ad aptos, Et quod tentabam scribere versus erat." This incorrigibly immoral but inexpressibly graceful poet was born at Sulmo in the Pelignian territory 43 B.C. of wealthy parents, whose want of liberality during his youthful career he deplores, but by which he profited after their death.

But, in all these cases we have HUMAN INTERFERENCE. Without the breeder there would be no selection, and without the selection no race. Before admitting the possibility of natural species having originated in any similar way, it must be proved that there is in nature some power which takes the place of man, and performs a selection sua sponte. It is the claim of Mr.

In his time there were nine members; later the number was increased. ANTECEDIT: sc. alios. SENTENTIAE PRINCIPATUM: 'precedence in debate'. Meissner quotes Verr. 4, 142 ut quisque aetate et honore antecedit, ita primus solet sua sponte dicere itaque a ceteris ei conceditur. HONORE: i.e. as regards office, past or present. QUI ... SUNT: actual praetors or consuls. COMPARANDAE: n. on 50.

But in all these cases we have human interference. Without the breeder there would be no selection, and without the selection no race. Before admitting the possibility of natural species having originated in any similar way, it must be proved that there is in Nature some power which takes the place of man, and performs a selection sua sponte. It is the claim of Mr.