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I say, I cannot prove it strictly and undeniably that a man smally beneficed, must of necessity be dissolute and debauched.

It happeneth many tymes, that thy souldiours be willyng to faight, and thou knoweste by the nomber, and by the situacion, or for some other occasion to have disadvauntage, and desirest to make them chaunge from this desire: it happeneth also, that necessitie, or occasion, constraineth thee to faight, and that thy souldiours are evill to be trusted, and smally disposed to faight: where it is necessarie in thone case, to make theim afraied, and in the other to incourage theim: In the firste case, when perswacions suffiseth not, there is no better waie, then to give in praie, a part of them unto thenemie, to thintent those that have, and those that have not fought, maie beleve thee: and it may very wel be doen with art, thesame which to Fabius Maximus hapned by chaunce.

"We're free! we're free!" they smally cried; and I wondered if a race, buried as deeply in the strata of races as these bits of burning coal had been in the geologic periods of earth, could utter such cries. The fire grew, the liberty paeans ceased. Deep opaline content burned lambescent amid the coals.

The rubber heels in this town say these two men quarreled about money " "That's about all they know. Ed and me never " "You don't mean Ed Brevoort, do you?" "There's more 'n one Ed in this country." "There sure is. Old E.H. Hodges he's Ed; and there's Ed Smally on the force here, and Ed Cummings, the preacher over to Sanborn. Lots of Eds. See here, son.

He kin lick tarnation out'n any o' you." Meanwhile I held back, never having been thrown with so many of my own kind. "He's shot painters and b'ars," said Andy. "An' skinned 'em. Kin you lick him, Smally? I reckon not." Now I had not come to the school for fighting. So I held back. Fortunately for me, Smally held back also. But he tried skilful tactics. "He kin throw you, Sandy."

He kin lick tarnation out'n any o' you." Meanwhile I held back, never having been thrown with so many of my own kind. "He's shot painters and b'ars," said Andy. "An' skinned 'em. Kin you lick him, Smally? I reckon not." Now I had not come to the school for fighting. So I held back. Fortunately for me, Smally held back also. But he tried skilful tactics. "He kin throw you, Sandy."

Thus both Gouernors, Masters, and sailers, regarding very smally the good of their countreymen in Virginia; determined nothing lesse then to touch at those places, but wholly disposed themselues to seeke after purchase and spoiles, spending so much time therein, that sommer was spent before we arriued at Virginia.

Then I went for him, and affairs were growing more serious than a wrestle, when Smally, fancying himself safe, and no doubt having a grudge, shouted out: "Tell him he slobbers, Davy." Andy DID slobber. But that was the end of me, and the beginning of Smally. Andy left me instantly, not without an intimation that he would come back, and proceeded to cover Smally with red clay and blood.

Andy faced me in an instant. "Kin you?" said he. There was nothing to do but try, and in a few seconds we were rolling on the ground, to the huge delight of Smally and the others, Andy shouting all the while and swearing. We rolled and rolled and rolled in the mud, until we both lost our breath, and even Andy stopped swearing, for want of it.

Andy faced me in an instant. "Kin you?" said he. There was nothing to do but try, and in a few seconds we were rolling on the ground, to the huge delight of Smally and the others, Andy shouting all the while and swearing. We rolled and rolled and rolled in the mud, until we both lost our breath, and even Andy stopped swearing, for want of it.