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In these neither President Wilson nor his personal adviser, Colonel House, placed great confidence. They had been undertaken by the French through Prince Sixtus of Bourbon, and in August, 1917, Major Armand of France discussed with the Austrian emissary, Revertata, possible means of bringing about peace between Austria and the Allies.

In this he is referred to as in his sixth year "in sexto tuo aetatis anno." This, assuming Boccaccio's letter to be correct in the matter of April being the month of Cesare's birth, fixes the year of his birth as 1475. A Bull of Sixtus IV, appointing Roderigo Borgia administrator of Cesare's benefices. A Bull of Sixtus IV, appointing Cesare treasurer of the Church of Carthage.

What of the accusations of simony against Innocent VIII, which rest upon a much sounder basis than these against Alexander, and what of those against Sixtus IV? Further, if a simoniacal election was unprecedented, what of Lorenzo Valla's fierce indictment of simony for which he so narrowly escaped the clutches of the Inquisition some sixty years before this date?

And he was only deacon when he was sent by the Emperor Valentinian III. to heal the division between Aëtius and Albinus, rival generals, whose dissensions compromised the safety of the Empire. He was absent on important missions when the death of Sixtus, A.D. 440, left the Papacy without a head.

If Sixtus had filled his treasury by the sale of spiritual dignities and favours, Innocent and his son, for their part, established an office for the sale of secular favours, in which pardons for murder and manslaughter were sold for large sums of money. Out of every fine 150 ducats were paid into the papal exchequer, and what was over to Franceschetto.

Accordingly, Pope Sixtus IV, in 1477, declared that the power of the Pope over purgatory, while genuine, was exercised only per modum sufiragii, "by way of intercession." The distinction was thought dogmatically important, but to the layman, who looked more to results than to methods, the difference between intercession and jurisdiction was trifling.

All that has since been added is barbarous, and first, the two chapels of Sixtus V. and Paul V., with their paintings by Guido, Josepin, and Cigoli, and the sculptures of Bernini, and the architecture of Fontana and Flaminio.

Nothing is known of Rodrigo's private life during the pontificate of the four popes who followed Calixtus Pius II, Paul II, Sixtus IV, and Innocent VIII for the records of that period are very incomplete. Insatiable sensuality ruled this Borgia, a man of unusual beauty and strength, until his last years. Never was he able to cast out this demon.

Meantime it was the opinion of the wisest sovereign in Europe, and of one of the most adroit among her diplomatists, that there was really nothing in the rumours as to the king's contemplated conversion. It was, of course, unfortunate for Henry that his staunch friend and admirer Sixtus was no more.

Mysteries and devotion of holy-week Palm-Sunday, entry of Christ into Jerusalem of Julius II into Rome Sixtus V and Captain Bresca triumphant return of Pius VII to Rome, contrasted with ancient Roman triumphs. Part 2.