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Sherm is about four or five hours distant from the point called Ras Abou Mohammed, and is a good and spacious harbour, with anchorage for large ships; it lies at the entrance of the gulf of Akaba, and is the best harbour on the west side of that gulf. These Bedouins, living up in the mountains, see the ships from afar, and on their arrival hasten to the coast to offer their services.

"I believe that's Sherman!" he cried. "Sherman's here for a rival steam pump firm, but I'll be good to him, especially as there is nothing doing in the way of trade. Hey, there, Sherm!" he shouted as the two cars drew nearer. "Pull up and give an account of yourself!" Sherman was a dark-faced, black-haired, bewhiskered fellow of perhaps forty.

As I knew that Bedouins were always to be found in the harbour of Sherm, to transport passengers by land to Tor or Suez, I wished to be set on shore here. The road from hence to Cairo was much shorter

Drew heard the slow, reflective words the General spoke: "John, if you were given enough guns, and I had me enough men, we could whip old Sherm clean off the face of the earth!" And then the scout caught Kirby's whisper of assent to that. "The old man ain't foolin'; he could jus' do it!" "Maybe he could," Drew agreed.

For the sum of four dollars given to the Reys, and one to the pilot, they were kind enough to go a little out of their course, and on the following morning, the 5th of June, we entered the harbour of Sherm.

On reaching Ras Mohammed, they anchor near one of the small islands, or go into the harbour called Sherm, where they wait till a fair wind springs up, which usually carries them to Cosseir in one or two days.