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Who would dare to speak of the mystery of suffering and blessing through which a soul passes when God first smites, then heals? What written words could reveal his secret of peace spoken to such a one? That night all the grief of Shenac's sore heart was spread out before the Lord.

When a sudden shower or a rainy day gave the harvesters a little leisure, she used to make herself busy in the house that Dan might feel himself of use to Hamish, and might hear, with no one else to listen, a sweet, persuasive word or two from his dying brother's lips. For Shenac's heart yearned over her brother Dan.

Is it only to jealous hearts, ignoble minds, that such tidings come with a shock of pain? Nay, the truer the heart the keener the pain. It may be short, but it is sharp. The second thought may be, "It is well for him; I am glad for him." But the pang is first, and inevitable. Allister had been always first, after Hamish, in Shenac's heart perhaps not even after Hamish.

Even Dan's freaks did not seem so serious to her now, and she made up her mind to say as little as possible to Hamish about the vexations of the summer, and to think of nothing unpleasant now that she had him at home again. But unpleasant things are not so easily set aside out of one's life, and Shenac's vexations with Dan were not over.

"What was it, Hamish? He would never dare to say a light word of our father. Did you not then and there show him the door?" Shenac's blue eye flashed. She was quite capable of doing that and more to vindicate her father's memory. "Whisht, Shenac," said Hamish. "Angus Dhu loved my father, though he was hard on him. There were tears in his eyes when he spoke to my mother about him.