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"`Now, says I, `wot for are ye scraggin' this old man? So they told me how the party that went off to git the murderer met a band o' injuns comin' to deliver him up to be killed, they said, for murderin' the white man. An' they gave up this old Injun, sayin' he wos the murderer. The diggers believed it, and returned with the old boy and two or three others that came to see him fixed off.

Suddenly he started up the path to the summit dragging the half-conscious girl. Macniff ran along on the other side to help. "Wot y' goin' to do with her, Harry?" he panted. "I ain't got no stomach for scraggin' her. I ain't for no knifin'. W'y don't you shove her off the top?"

"I've 'ad a 'orrible nightmare, I 'ave a nightmare. See?" He fixed his eyes on me for a moment, then raised himself from his seat, peering narrowly at me across the table. "I seed you before, mate. Gaw, blimey! if you ain't the bloke wot I giv'd the pigtail to! And wot laid out that blasted Chink as was scraggin' me! Shake, mate!"

Two days after, I had occasion to go back to the same place, an' when I comed in sight o' the camp, I guess there was a mighty stir. "`Wot's to do? says I to a miner in a hole, who wos diggin' away for gold, and carin' nothin' about it. "`Only scraggin' an Injun, he said, lookin' up. "`Oh, says I, `I'll go and see.

Dooley, "th' finest pothry in th' wurruld is wrote be that frind iv young Hogan's, a man be th' name iv Roodyard Kipling. I see his pomes in th' pa-aper, Hinnissy; an' they're all right. They're all right, thim pomes. They was wan about scraggin' Danny Deever that done me a wurruld iv good. They was a la-ad I wanst knew be th' name iv Deever, an' like as not he was th' same man. He owed me money.

He had his eyes on Jones, and evidently considered him, for some occult reason, of the same way of political thinking as himself, and he addressed him in that impersonal way in which one addresses an audience. "They've downed and outed the House o' Lords, an' now they're scraggin' the Welsh Church, after that they'll go for the Landed Prepriotor and finish him.