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Updated: August 6, 2024

I assumed an exaggerated imitation of Dromanus' most grandiloquent manner and in his orotund unctuous delivery I declaimed: "'My master is Numerius Vedius Vindex. "They looked sour enough at that, I promise you, and I made out that they were Satronians for certain. The two fellows exchanged a glance, thanked me politely and went on.

The sudden death of Satronius Patavinus not only blasted these hopes, but intensified antagonisms; for all the Vedians felt that a daughter of the clan had been sacrificed in vain and all Satronians regretted that vast properties about Padua, long possessed by Satronians, passed by the will of her husband to a young widow, born of the Vedian House.

A dozen Satronians lay stunned. Tanno reckoned two of them dead men. I was the only man seriously hurt on our side. Agathemer was for convoying me home.

Almost before they had exchanged greetings Mallius Vulso rounded the house from the east and then Neponius Pomplio from the west; after he had been presented, the two other Satronians, Bultius Seclator and Juventius Muso, cantered up, followed closely by Fisevius Rusco and Lisius Naepor, both adherents of the Vedian side of the feud.

Tanno, the irresistible, at once urged me to read the note aloud, saying: "Don't be a hog. Don't keep all those good things to yourself. Let us have a share of the tid-bits. Read it out to all of us." I yielded. Of course the three Satronians looked sour. But Tanno knew how to smooth out any embarrassing situation. He beamed at me and fairly bubbled with glee. "I bet on you," he said.

Hardly had he returned when a band of Satronians appeared and a similar scene was enacted, with the Molossian as chief actor. When the last Satronian had vanished round the corner of the thoroughfare I reëntered my litter and we set off for the Palace, both dogs sedately pacing side by side underneath.

Then he told me of the result of the fight with the Satronians, of their complete discomfiture and rout, of how he had brought me to Rome, seen me properly attended and looked after my tenants. "They are having the best time," he said, "they ever had in all their lives." And he told me where he had them lodged and which sights of Rome they had seen from day to day.

I could see that Tanno's jesting replies to the Satronians he had met on the road had given them the idea that Xantha was being conveyed, in a shut litter, to Villa Vedia: similarly his quizzical words to the Vedians he had met had given them a similar notion that Greia was being smuggled behind slid panels and drawn curtains, to Villa Satronia.

To this Rusco and Naepor agreed, with less hesitancy. Similarly the three Satronians expressed their concurrence. Again they all congratulated me on my luck, drank to the success of my suit, and to my prosperity and health. Complete harmony reigned and the strained social atmosphere attending a dinner in the feud area vanished completely.

So the Vedians inferred that the Satronians, instead of taking their direct road to the Salarian Highway, would expect an ambush along it and would try to sneak through Vediamnum. Therefore they were in ambush at Vediamnum. Similarly and for similar reasons the Satronians were in ambush below their road entrance, calculating that the Vedians would pass that way.

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