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When we once get the Germans out of the way, we shall see what we shall see, Sapristie! we will make short work of the capitalists, and as for the troops, they will have had enough fighting and will be ready enough to march off and leave us alone." At the time they were talking, the couple they were speaking of were standing leaning on the parapet of the wall by the river.

"I don't know what 'Sapristie' means, mamma; but the Baron asked Madame what she was doing here? and Madame said, 'And you, Chicot, you are no more a General at Franco. Have I not translated rightly, Madame?" "Oui, mon chou, mon ange. Yase, my angel, my cabbage, quite right. "Chicot is my name of baptism," says the Baron; "Baron Chicot de Punter is my name."

"Ah, monsieur the Englishman," he said; "so you are off again, like a veritable knight-errant of romance, in search of fresh adventure." "No, sir, my search will be to avoid adventure." "Ah, well, you are sure to find some, whether or not. Sapristie, but it is annoying to be born a prince." "It has its advantages also, sir," Philip said, smiling. The prince laughed merrily.

Another half hour passed, and then he heard steps ascending the stone staircase, and the sentry exclaimed angrily: "Sapristie, comrade, I began to think I was going to be kept all night at my post, and that everyone had ridden out with that party that started, half an hour ago. "Now, then, the orders are: 'Permit no one to approach.

De Beauvoir asked me to ride in to tell you that we find the farmhouses completely deserted, and the whole of the cattle and horses have disappeared, as well as the inhabitants. Save for some pigs and poultry, we have not seen a living thing." "Sapristie! The Huguenot dogs must have slept with one eye open.

Indeed, it was from young Mac that we first heard of Madame de Flicflac, of whom my Jemmy robbed Lady Kilblazes, as I before have related. When our friend the Baron first saw Madame, a very tender greeting passed between them; for they had, as it appeared, been old friends abroad. "Sapristie," said the Baron, in his lingo, "que fais-tu ici, Amenaide?"

But then, to be sure, he wishes to do Marie a service by secretly assisting her futur on in life. Sapristie! It is quite simple, after all, this generosity; for undoubtedly Marie is the most charming charm cha' Hector Bertrand went to Dufour's timber-yard at about noon the next day, selected what he required, and pompously tendered the thousand-franc note in payment.