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The abyss was wide and deep, and the wild waves were raging more madly every hour. The Advocate, anxious and troubled, but undismayed, did his best in the terrible emergency. He conferred with Prince Maurice on the subject of the Ryswyk secession, and men said that he sought to impress upon him, as chief of the military forces, the necessity of putting down religious schism with the armed hand.

"No, no," said John Blansaert, "we can do the deed better without you than with you. You must look out for the defence." Van Dyk then informed them that they, with one of the Rotterdam sailors, were to attack Maurice as he got out of his coach at Ryswyk, pin him between the stables and the coach, and then and there do him to death.

The document began with a violent invective against the crimes and tyranny of the Stadholder, demonstrated the necessity of a general change in the government, and of getting rid of Maurice as an indispensable preliminary, and laid down the means and method of doing this deed. The Prince was in the daily habit of driving, unattended by his body- guard, to Ryswyk, about two miles from the Hague.

The dismal leave-taking, as the curtain fell, was not as, entertaining to the public outside as the dramatic meeting between Maurice and Spinola had been at the opening scene near Ryswyk. There was no populace to throw up their hats for the departing guests.

Weltevrede, Ryswyk, and the other villages, or rather, faubourgs, south of Batavia, belong to the second class; Batavia itself, Bantam, Cheribon, Tubang, and Banjowangie, to the third, or worst division. And Dr.

Schism in the Church a Public Fact Struggle for Power between the Sacerdotal and Political Orders Dispute between Arminius and Gomarus Rage of James I. at the Appointment of Voratius Arminians called Remonstrants Hague Conference Contra-Remonstrance by Gomarites of Seven Points to the Remonstrants' Five Fierce Theological Disputes throughout the Country Ryswyk Secession Maurice wishes to remain neutral, but finds himself the Chieftain of the Contra-Remonstrant Party The States of Holland Remonstrant by a large Majority The States-General Contra-Remonstrant Sir Ralph Winwood leaves the Hague Three Armies to take the Field against Protestantism.

Schism in the Church a Public Fact Struggle for Power between the Sacerdotal and Political Orders Dispute between Arminius and Gomarus Rage of James I. at the Appointment of Voratius Arminians called Remonstrants Hague Conference Contra-Remonstrance by Gomarites of Seven Points to the Remonstrants' Five Fierce Theological Disputes throughout the Country Ryswyk Secession Maurice wishes to remain neutral, but finds himself the Chieftain of the Contra-Remonstrant Party The States of Holland Remonstrant by a large Majority The States-General Contra-Remonstrant Sir Ralph Winwood leaves the Hague Three Armies to take the Field against Protestantism.

Seven hundred Contra-Remonstrants of the Hague followed their beloved pastor, and, as the roads to Ryswyk were muddy and sloppy in winter, acquired the unsavoury nickname of the "Mud Beggars."

His unburied corpse, reduced to the condition of a mummy, was brought out of its lurking-place, thrust into a coffin, dragged on a hurdle to the Golgotha outside the Hague, on the road to Ryswyk, and there hung on a gibbet in company of the bodies of other malefactors swinging there in chains.

Seven hundred Contra-Remonstrants of the Hague followed their beloved pastor, and, as the roads to Ryswyk were muddy and sloppy in winter, acquired the unsavoury nickname of the "Mud Beggars."