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As Leicester had finished and sealed this mandate, Michael Lambourne, booted up to mid-thigh, having his riding-cloak girthed around him with a broad belt, and a felt cap on his head, like that of a courier, entered his apartment, ushered in by the valet. "What is thy capacity of service?" said the Earl.

A fellow stood there in a great riding-cloak; but I could see he wore some kind of a livery beneath. "Well," I said, "what do you want?" He saw that I was a gentleman by my dress; and he answered me very civilly. "My master is benighted, sir," said he; "and he bid me come and ask whether he might lie here to-night. There is no inn in the place." "Why, who is your master?" I asked.

Then, as she peered anxiously out, she observed that the horseman who rode close to the carriage was a much bigger man than the groom from Beaujardin who had started with them from Valricour, and that he was muffled in a great riding-cloak.

She kissed him and took her riding-cloak, drew the hood over her head, and went out into the dark. It was with the keenest relief that, half an hour later, Anthony heard her footstep again in the red-tiled hall outside. The servants were gone upstairs by now, and the house was quiet. She came in, and sat by him again and took his hand. "Thank God I went," she said. "I have left her so happy."

A short riding-cloak, clasped across the throat with a silver buckle, hung picturesquely over one shoulder, while his lower limbs were cased in military boots, which, though they rose above the knee, were evidently neither heavy nor embarrassing to the vigorous sinews of the horseman.