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Updated: August 6, 2024

"Beggin' ev'rybody's pardon," interposed a deserter from the army, "but these here perceedin's is irreg'lar. 'Tain't the square thing to take evidence till the pris'ner's in court." Boston Ben immediately detailed a special officer to summon Old Scrabblegrab, declared a recess of five minutes, and invited the boys to drink with him.

"'Ask it, says Cap Dhryfuss. "'Th' pris'ner must answer, says th' coort. 'It is now nearly six o'clock iv th' mornin', an' time to get up an' dhress. "'I refuse to make anny commint, says Cap Dhryfuss, "The pris'ner's remark, uttered in tones iv despair, caused gr-reat emotion in th' aujience. There were angry cries iv 'Lynch him! an' all eyes were tur-rned to th' Cap.

The pris'ner's yours, and so's all the rewards that's offered for him, though they're not offered for a man of the name he gives. But, honest, now, don't you think there's a chance of mitigatin' circumstances in his case? Let's talk it over I'll help you tie him so he can't slip you."

Den I shif's roun' an' ac' pris'ner's 'torney, an' preach grace tell I gits 'im shoutin' des de same as ole marster use ter do clair a man whe'r or no, guilty or no guilty, step by step, nuver stop tell he'd have de last juryman blowin' 'is nose an' snifflin' an' he'd do it wid swellin' dic'sh'nary words, too! "Dat's de way I works it fus' argify fur de State, den plead fur de pris'ner.

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