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Updated: August 14, 2024

The higher clergy on all solemn occasions displayed much personal decoration. A jewelled ring was part of the adornment of a bishop when arrayed in full pontificals. It indicated his rank, was made for him, and buried with him. The treasuries of our old cathedrals still possess a few of these rings.

Detesting the ruling house, and indignant at the injustices it practised, they detested the priests still more so much that they would have taken sides with Satan himself against the Pontificals. In this spirit did they carry their swords to Bentivogli.

The general communion customary on holy-thursday is prescribed by the English bishop Walter in the 10th century, in the capitulary of Theodulph of Orleans, and by all ancient pontificals and missals, according to Martene T. 3, p. 98. It is practised also by the Greeks, as Leo Allatius testifies. De consensu utriusque Ecclesiæ lib. 3.

On the 15th of August, 1785, at Mass-time, Cardinal Rohan, grand almoner of France, already in full pontificals, was arrested in the palace of Versailles and taken to the Bastille. The king had sent for him into his cabinet. "Cardinal," said Louis XVI. abruptly, "you bought some diamonds of Bcehmer?" "Yes, Sir." "What have you done with them?" "I thought they had been sent to the queen."

"Ma , Phil, but you're going to make a day of it! We wondered where you'd got to." "Bon dou donc, you're in your pontificals, mon gars!" "Is it a bank of roses you're riding, then?" and Gray Robin hotched uncomfortably though still half asleep. "The early bird gets the nicest worm. Keep ahead of the Frenchman, Phil, and good luck to you!"

As they saw the Pontificals swerve back they uttered cries of joy. It was two o'clock. The enemy's fire slackened; something was going on which the volunteers could not make out. All at once there was a sharp unfamiliar detonation, resembling the whirring sound of a machine. The French had come into action. A hailstorm of bullets mowed down the Garibaldian ranks.

Peter's, where the body was exposed on a catafalque in full pontificals, a riot occurred, set on foot by the soldiers present for reasons which Burchard who records the event does not make clear. The clerics fled for shelter to the sacristy, the chants were cut short, and the Pope's body almost entirely abandoned. But the most scandalous happening occurred twenty-four hours later.

All went merrily, till at a great ecclesiastical feast, among her friends the aristocracy, on August 17, 1785, Jeanne learned that the Cardinal had been arrested at Versailles, in full pontificals, when about to celebrate the Mass. She rushed from table, fled to Versailles, and burned her papers. She would not fly to England; she hoped to brazen out the affair.

He would submit to a canonical trial only. He asked that the bishops should appear in their pontificals, which was a request that they judge him as bishops, and not as barons. Lanfranc answered him that they could judge him well enough clad as they were.

By coming to the court in his pontifical dress Thomas had raised a claim that a bishop could only be tried dressed in full pontificals by his fellow-bishops also in full dress.

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