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Them that know Egdon best have been pixy-led here at times." "Is that you, Christian?" said Mrs. Yeobright. "What made you hide away from me?" "'Twas that I didn't know you in this light, mis'ess; and being a man of the mournfullest make, I was scared a little, that's all.

"Why, if the doctor can't deal with it, the best thing we can do will be to find the woman; and if she has bound the boy by force of her will to be silent, to make her release him again. Where does she live?" "No one knows," said Lady Eleanor, and repeated what Mrs. Fry had told her. "I never remember any one being pixy-led but that cider was at the bottom of it," said Colonel George.

Them that know Egdon best have been pixy-led here at times." "Is that you, Christian?" said Mrs. Yeobright. "What made you hide away from me?" "'Twas that I didn't know you in this light, mis'ess; and being a man of the mournfullest make, I was scared a little, that's all.

'Tis the devil's devices, sir, against you, because you'm going against his sarvants the Pope of Room and the Spaniard; and you'll be Pixy-led, sure as life, and locked into a bog, you will, and see mun vanish away to fire and brimstone, like a jack-o'-lantern. Oh, have a care, then, have a care!"

And he was pixy-led all that night, my Lady, was the old Jimmy, and when he come home all his money was gone; so I reckon that the pixies is in league with the witches." "I suspect that Jimmy had drunk too much cider," said Lady Eleanor severely; "he should have kept sober or stuck to the road, and then he would not have brought back foolish stories about pixies and witches.

One flower which, for some reason or other, is still held in special honour by them, is the common stichwort of our country hedges, and which the Devonshire peasant hesitates to pluck lest he should be pixy-led. A similar idea formerly prevailed in the Isle of Man in connection with the St. John's wort.