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But there is a grete weye from that on to that othre, and a gret deep valeye betwene hem. Of the desert bet wen e the chirche of Seynte Kateryne and Jerusalem. Of the drie Tre; and how roses cam first in the world. And than wil thei take leve of the monkes, and recommenden hem to here preyeres. And than thei zeven the pilgrimes of here vitaylle, for to passe with the desertes, toward Surrye.

The Oxford tract was also republished by Purchas in his "Pilgrimes," extended by new matter in manuscript supplied by Smith. The "Pilgrimes" did not appear till 1625, a year after the "General Historie," but was in preparation long before. The Pocahontas legend appears in the "Pilgrimes," but not in the earlier "Pilgrimage."

Ant. Soc., Vol. 4. "Purchas his Pilgrimage," London, 1613. "Purchas his Pilgrimes," London, 1625-6. "Ralph Hamor's True Discourse," etc., London, 1615. "Relation of Virginia," by Henry Spelman, 1609. First printed by J. F. Hunnewell, London, 1872. "History of the Virginia Company in London," by Edward D. Neill, Albany, 1869.

"So they lefte ye goodly & pleasante citie," writes their historian Bradford, "which had been ther resting place near 12 years, but they knew they were pilgrimes & looked not much on those things, but lift up their eyes to ye Heavens their dearest cuntrie, and quieted their spirits."

His three works are Purchas his Pilgrimage, or Relations of the World and the Religions observed in all Ages and Places, etc.; Purchas his Pilgrim, Microcosmus, or the History of Man, etc.; and Hakluytus Posthumus, or Purchas his Pilgrimes, containing a History of the World in Sea Voyages and Land Travels, etc.

Samuel Purchas, who was also a clergyman, continued the work of Hakluyt, using many of the latter's unpublished manuscripts and condensing the records of numerous other voyages. His first famous book, Purchas, His Pilgrimage, appeared in 1613, and was followed by Hakluytus Posthumus, or Purchas His Pilgrimes, in 1625.

Ant. Soc., Vol. 4. "Purchas his Pilgrimage," London, 1613. "Purchas his Pilgrimes," London, 1625-6. "Ralph Hamor's True Discourse," etc., London, 1615. "Relation of Virginia," by Henry Spelman, 1609. First printed by J. F. Hunnewell, London, 1872. "History of the Virginia Company in London," by Edward D. Neill, Albany, 1869.