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Wherefore also we always pray for you." 2 Tim. i. 3: "I thank God, that without ceasing I have remembrance of thee night and day." Philem. 4: "I thank my God, making mention of thee always in my prayers." These passages taken together give us the picture of a man whose words, "Pray without ceasing," were simply the expression of his daily life.

* Col. iv. 14. 2Tim. iv. 11. Philem. 24. + Lardner, Cred. vol. viii. P.291, et seq. These considerations are not to be neglected: but of an argument concerning the genuineness of ancient writings, the substance, undoubtedly, and strength, is ancient testimony.

Newry was taken by Monroe and Chichester, where 80 men and women and 2 priests were put to death. Magennis was obliged to abandon Down, and McMahon Monaghan; Sir Philem was driven to burn Armagh and Dungannon, and to take his last stand at Charlemont.

Col. iv. 2, 3, 4: "Continue in prayer; withal also praying for us, that God would open unto us a door of utterance, to speak the mystery of Christ: that I may make it manifest as I ought to speak." 1 Thess. v. 25: "Brethren, pray for us." Philem. 22: "I trust that through your prayers I shall be given to you." We saw how Christ prayed, and taught His disciples to pray.

The discipline agreed upon by the English exiles that fled from the Marian persecution to Frankfort, thence to Geneva, allowed by Calvin; entitled Ratio ac forma publicè orandi Deum, &c., Genevae, 1556, Tit. de Disciplina, p. 68. The Order of Excommunication and Public Repentance used in the Church of Scotland, Anno 1571, Tit. Chrys., Argum. in Epist. ad Philem.

In Paul's own hired house at Rome, Acts xxviii. 30, 31. In the house of Aquila and Priscilla, where the church met, therefore called the church in his house, Rom. xvi. 5; 1 Cor. xvi. 19. In the house of Nimphas, Col. iv. 15, and in the house of Archippus, Philem. 2.

Newry was taken by Monroe and Chichester, where 80 men and women and 2 priests were put to death. Magennis was obliged to abandon Down, and McMahon Monaghan; Sir Philem was driven to burn Armagh and Dungannon, and to take his last stand at Charlemont.

"The church in Smyrna," ver. 8. "The church in Pergamus," ver. 12. "The church in Thyatira," ver. 18. "The church in Sardis," Rev. iii. 1. "The church in Philadelphia," ver. 7. And "the church in Laodicea," ver. 14. "The church that is in their house," Rom. xvi. 5; and Philem. 2. "Let your women keep silence in the church," 1 Cor. xiv. 34. "All the churches of the Gentiles," Rom. xvi. 4.