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Several caves have recently been examined in Poland, one of which, situated near Cracow, appears to belong to Palaeolithic times. Count Zawiska has already given an account of his interesting discoveries to the Prehistoric Congress at Stockholm.

In the lower deposits have been found coarse pottery, with no attempt at ornamentation, fragments of flint, and obsidian hatchets of black basalt, or porphyry of the Palaeolithic type, arrow-head, flint knives, stones used in slings, and numerous shells; whilst in the upper deposits were picked up black pottery and fragments of bronze belonging to the transition period between the Stone and Metal ages.

For the Early Palaeolithic Period our evidence in respect of its variety, if not of its gross quantity, is wofully disappointing.

A branch of the second phase of developing humanity, the negroid stock, spread eastward over the Asiatic islands and Australia, and westward into Africa. The extreme wing of this army, the Australian blacks, too clearly illustrates the principle to need further reference. It has retained for ages the culture of the middle Palaeolithic.

"The older passions are still there like the fires in an engine." He invented a saying for Dr. Martineau that the Man in us to-day was still the old man of Palaeolithic times, with his will, his wrath against the universe increased rather than diminished.

It is now generally believed that man came north in the third interglacial period; though some high authorities think that he came in the second. Two stages are distinguished in this first part of the Palaeolithic Age the Acheulean and Chellean but it will suffice for our purpose to take the two together as the earlier and longer section of the Old Stone Age.

The floor of these BUVARDS consists of a greasy black earth mixed with bones, cinders, charcoal, and worked flints. Amongst the last named, polished hatchets predominate, which proves that these refuges were inhabited in Neolithic times, but there is nothing to prevent our supposing that they were also occupied in the Palaeolithic period.

I myself prefer the division into the PALAEOLITHIC period, when men only used roughly chipped stones, and the NEOLITHIC period, when they carefully polished their stone weapons.

The great palaeolithic discoveries of M. Boucher de Perthes, the very bases of our study of the most ancient men, were "read" as impostures by many "practised people."

If Neanderthal man belonged to another species, as the experts mostly declare and I very humbly beg leave to doubt, we must even so allow that God made him also after his own image, brow-ridges and all. The presence of soul in man is even more manifest when we pass on to the Late Palaeolithic peoples. They are cave-dwellers; they live by the chase; in a word, they are savages still.