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Monogamy, not primitive. Monogenists. Mononychus pseudacori, stridulation of. Monotremata, development of the nictitating membrane in; lactiferous glands of; connecting mammals with reptiles. Monstrosities, analogous, in man and lower animals; caused by arrest of development; correlation of; transmission of.

In South America, a burrowing rodent, the tuco-tuco, or Ctenomys, is even more subterranean in its habits than the mole; and I was assured by a Spaniard, who had often caught them, that they were frequently blind; one which I kept alive was certainly in this condition, the cause, as appeared on dissection, having been inflammation of the nictitating membrane.

The rector maintained that physicians contracted a squint which turns their eyes inwardly, while the muscles which roll their eyes upward become palsied. The doctor retorted that theological students developed a third eyelid, the nictitating membrane, which is so well known in birds, and which serves to shut out, not all light, but all the light they do not want.

Walrus, development of the nictitating membrane in the; tusks of the; use of the tusks by the.

The plica semilunaris, haw or nictitating membrane, though not as largely developed in the dog as in some other animals, is, nevertheless, of sufficient size to afford considerable protection to the ball of the eye, and assists materially in preventing the accumulation of seeds and other minute particles within the conjunctiva.

Nicholson, Dr., on the non-immunity of dark Europeans from yellow fever. Nictitating membrane. Nidification of fishes; relation of, to colour; of British birds. Night-heron, cries of the. Nightingale, arrival of the male before the female; object of the song of the. Nightingales, new mates found by. Nightjar, selection of a mate by the female; Australian, sexes of; coloration of the.

In South America, a burrowing rodent, the tuco-tuco, or Ctenomys, is even more subterranean in its habits than the mole; and I was assured by a Spaniard, who had often caught them, that they were frequently blind; one which I kept alive was certainly in this condition, the cause, as appeared on dissection, having been inflammation of the nictitating membrane.

There is every reason to believe that this is the rudiment of a membrane which is fully developed in many animals, and is especially useful to birds, the nictitating membrane, or third eyelid. Again, the muscles which move the skin in many animals, especially in horses, have left inactive remnants in many parts of the human body.

Forget not to apply cotton; cut this joint through; do the same at the other wing, add cotton, and gently push the skin over the head; cut out the roots of the ears, which lie very deep in the head, and continue skinning till you reach the middle of the eye; cut the nictitating membrane quite through, otherwise you would tear the orbit of the eye; and after this nothing difficult intervenes to prevent your arriving at the root of the bill.

Muller, Hermann, emergence of bees, from pupa; pollen-gathering of bees; proportion of sexes in bees; courting of Eristalis; colour and sexual selection with bees. Muller, J., on the nictitating membrane and semilunar fold. Muller, Max, on the origin of language; language implies power of general conception; struggle for life among the words, etc., of languages.