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Updated: August 5, 2024

In the coming of Messiahs. The Josephs are mainly dangling. They are in the mere passage of events, having to do neither with heights nor depths. One of the deepest human instincts of the male is that woman is a wanton. It breaks out still in the best of men, wherever the sex-principle overpowers the mind. This is well-covered ground.

Amidst the chaos of conflicting assertions which was to be found in the gospels of those social messiahs, there were certain similar phrases and principles which recurred again and again, the defence of the poor, the idea of a new and just division of the riches of the world in accordance with individual labour and merit, and particularly the search for a new law of labour which would enable this fresh distribution to be made equitably.

'A successful medium, he said, 'might well pass himself off by his preternatural endowments as the promised Messiahs. Manning went on to discuss the course of events which would lead to the final catastrophe. Nor was he without authority for this belief.

Besides these opponents of a lower type, there are others who do not merely lie and slander, but also seek to argue. They delight in comparing the apostles of Zionism with the false Messiahs like the notorious Sabbathai Levi, who have appeared only too often in Jewish history, and who have always done the greatest mischief to the Jewish people they have deceived.

"There have been Messiahs, there have been persecutions, but the Word has been preached unintermittently. Crowds have gathered to listen to the wild-eyed prophets.

Amidst the chaos of conflicting assertions which was to be found in the gospels of those social messiahs, there were certain similar phrases and principles which recurred again and again, the defence of the poor, the idea of a new and just division of the riches of the world in accordance with individual labour and merit, and particularly the search for a new law of labour which would enable this fresh distribution to be made equitably.

And then, if any man say to you, Lo, here is the Messiah! or, lo there! believe it not. For many false Messiahs and false prophets shall arise, and shall propose signs and wonders to deceive, if it were possible, even the elect. But be ye on your guard: lo!

It is, indeed, passing strange that Josephus, who tells us so much about false Messiahs and their followers, should omit as he must have done if this passage of Tacitus be authentic all reference to this additional false Messiah, whose followers in the very city where Josephus was living, underwent such terrible tortures, either during his residence there, or immediately before it.

A ready reception was sure to await such a gospel, with its combination of promises of liberty and faint dreams of communism; and something of the kind is necessary to explain the easy success of so many extravagant sects, lying prophets and feigned Messiahs.

Though Sabbataï Zevi had turned Turk, the honest veteran was one of those invincibles who refused to abandon their belief in this once celebrated Messiah, and who afterwards transferred their allegiance to the successive Messiahs who reincarnated him, even as he had reincarnated King David.

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