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We often imagine that we are looking at a series of isolated scenes, when in fact we have before our eyes the disjecta membra of a single composition. The Nile occupies the immediate foreground of the picture, and extends as far as the foot of the mountains in the distance.

The library, once celebrated, contains musty folios of classics and their commentators, but nothing of value. It has been ransacked of its treasures like that of Patir, whose disjecta membra have been tracked down by the patience and acumen of Monsignor Batiffol. What have we English done in this direction? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Such thoughts occur inevitably.

There is a beauty worthy of all adoration, a beauty far above Antinous, or Gula or Greek æsthetics, a beauty that is not the disjecta membra that modern maudlin sentimentality has left it, but that perfect and immortal 'Beauty of Holiness, that outlives marble and silver, pigment, stylus, and pagan poems that deify dust."

"However, there is so much more in their way by the constitution of this, than is to be found in that of any other commonwealth, that I am reconciled, it now appearing plainly that the points of my lord's arrows are directed at no other white than to show the excellency of our government above others; which, as he proceeds further, is yet plainer; while he makes it appear that there can be no other elected by the people but smiths: "'Brontesque Steropesque et nudus membra Pyracmon:

so falling people extend their arms before them by a natural impulse, which prompts our limbs to offices and motions without any commission from our reason. "Falciferos memorant currus abscindere membra . . . Ut tremere in terra videatur ab artubus id quod Decidit abscissum; cum mens tamen atque hominis vis Mobilitate mali, non quit sentire dolorem."

Deus maris et Coeli, quid enim nisi vota supersunt, Soluere quassatae parcito membra ratis. Notwithstanding it pleased God of his great goodnesse to deliuer vs out of this great danger.

Shall bid the charmed sleep of ages fly, Roll the long sound through Eildon's caverns vast, While each dark warrior kindles at the blast: The horn, the falchion grasp with mighty hand, And peal proud Arthur's march from Fairy-land? Scenes of Infancy, Part I. In the same cabinet with the preceding fragment, the following occurred among other disjecta membra.

There is just now as wide a divorce between poetry and the commonsense of all time, as there is between poetry and modern knowledge. Our poets are not merely vague and confused, they are altogether fragmentary disjecta membra poetarum; they need some uniting idea. And what idea? Our answer will probably be greeted with a laugh. Nevertheless we answer simply. What our poets want is faith.

After a moment of ineffectual vexation, I bethought me of several repositories in which I had seen portions of débris, leaves, covers, brazen bosses, and other membra disjecta; in one of these I might very probably find the missing pages.

Such a base was lost when Caesar conquered Gaul; then some substitute for Gaul had to be found. It was Greece and the East; where, as you may say, abjects and orts of truth came down; not the live Mysteries, but the membra disjecta of the vanished Mysteries of a vanished age. With these the Teachers of the Roman world had to work, distilling out of them what they might of the ancient Theosophy.