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Updated: August 15, 2024

Imoda concluded as the result of his experiments that "the radiations of radium, the cathode radiations of the Crookes' tube, and mediumistic radiations are fundamentally the same." Some other very interesting facts have been observed by means of the electroscope. For example, Dr.

If your mind is filled with the desire to succeed, you will become too self-conscious, and will thus destroy the very condition upon which success depends." The Entranced State. Another mediumistic writer says: "The entrancement usually takes place all at once, and the entranced one passes into the realm of communication with the spirits without much warning of any kind.

One of the most common faults of the sitters at a circle is to become unduly impatient, and to try to force matters to a clear manifestation of phenomena almost from the moment of the start. This is all wrong, and is frequently the cause of many failures to obtain the higher phases of mediumistic phenomena.

Y . We Theosophists did not believe in the playfulness of departed souls, though we admitted the possibility of some mediumistic phenomena, while totally disagreeing with the spiritualists as to the cause and point of view.

From the above, it will be seen that a mediumistic person may practice in psychometry, clairvoyance, and clairaudience, either with or without the assistance of the spirits. In case the spirits are assisting in the direction of performing the psychic work themselves, and then communicating the result to the medium, the medium of course has but to remain passive and receive the communication.

The space A E F represents the area in which all kinds of confusion is possible, and it is within this area that most of the mediumistic messages come. E is the "point of balance." A F H represents the amount of subliminal action accessible to the control, on the one hand, and related to the discarnate, on the other, in its rapport.

The person who is developing mediumship will do well to surround himself with persons of a certain type of psychical power, and to form circles of such persons. Such persons are invaluable in constituting a "developing circle." Such persons need not be mediumistic themselves, nor are they required to actually do anything.

Mediumistic Auto-Suggestion. Other authorities have pointed out the fact that in some cases hypnotism has resulted in a sort of pseudo-mediumship, or bogus mediumship, in which the control is not that of a real spirit, but is merely the result of the suggestion of the hypnotizer, or else the auto-suggestion of the would-be medium himself.

When it is proved that the dead exercise some intervention, we will bow before the fact as willingly as we bow before the mediumistic mysteries: it is a question of order, of internal policy and of scientific method much more than of probability, preference or fear.

Magical charms, then, are simply natural objects, possessing but little active virtue in themselves, but, owing to the mediumistic nature of their substances, are endowed with artificial powers, of temporary duration, by virtue of the idea and thought impressed upon them, through the mental magic of the maker; and in this sense, a charm must be clearly distinguished from "teleo," the Talisman.

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