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Updated: August 5, 2024

Thomson for the Khasia mountains Mahanuddy river Vegetation of banks Maldah Alligators Rampore-Bauleah Climate of Ganges Pubna Jummul river Altered course of Burrampooter and Megna Dacca Conch shells Saws Cotton muslins Fruit Vegetation Elevation Rose of Bengal Burrampooter Delta of Soormah river Jheels Soil Vegetation Navigation Mosquitos Atmospheric pressure Effects of geological changes Imbedding of plants Teelas or islets Chattuc Salubrious climate Rains Canoes Pundua Mr.

In the afternoon I rode on leisurely to Titalya, sixteen miles further, along the banks of the Mahanuddy, the atmosphere being so densely hazy, that objects a few miles off were invisible, and the sun quite concealed, though its light was so powerful that no part of the sky could be steadily gazed upon.

My own barometric levellings would make the bed of the Mahanuddy and Ganges at the western extremity of the delta, considerably higher than I should have expected, considering how gentle the current is, and that the season was that of low water.

The river again falls more considerably than the land; the Mahanuddy, at Kishengunj, being about twenty feet below the level of the plains, or 110 above the sea; whereas the Ganges, at Rampore, is probably not more than eighty feet, even when the water is highest.

The waters of this great river were nearly two degrees cooler than those of the Mahanuddy. Rampore-Bauleah is a large station on the north bank of the Ganges, whose stream is at this season fully a mile wide, with a very slow current; its banks are thirty feet above the water. We were most kindly received by Mr.

The bungalow stands close to the Mahanuddy, on a low hill, cut into an escarpment twenty feet high, which exposes a section of river-laid sand and gravel, alternating with thick beds of rounded pebbles. Shortly after Dr. Campbell's arrival, the meadows about the bungalow presented a singular appearance, being dotted over with elephants, brought for purchase by Government.

The pedigree is closely inquired into, the hoofs are examined for cracks, the teeth for age, and many other points attended to. The Sikkim frontier, from the Mahanuddy westward to the Mechi, is marked out by a row of tall posts.

We arrived at Kishengunj, on the Mahanuddy, on the 3rd of May, and were delayed two days for our boat, which should have been waiting here to take us to Berhampore on the Ganges: we were, however, hospitably received by Mr. Perry's family. The approach of the rains was indicated by violent easterly storms of thunder, lightning, and rain; the thermometer ranging from 70 degrees to 85 degrees.

From Sikkim to the Khasia mountains our course was by boat down the Mahanuddy to the upper Gangetic delta, whose many branches we followed eastwards to the Megna; whence we ascended the Soormah to the Silhet district.

We have been walking for two days, and have not found a soul who could speak English until now, so that we have not the least idea where we are." "This is Cuttack," the lady said. "It is just outside the Madras Presidency. We are only separated from it by the river Mahanuddy. You must have been wrecked somewhere between the mouth of the river and Palmyras."

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