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And there are other worlds whose life-cycle has been run; where intelligent life has ceased: where world-disintegration has set in. For this is in accordance with the universal law of Growth and Decay a law that exempts neither the one-celled amoeba, nor the complex Solar system whirling yonder in Infinite space.

In this way, with what difficulties I need not weary you, a complete life-cycle was made out. And now I will invite your attention to the developmental history of the most minute of the six forms we studied. In form it is a long oval, it is without visible structure or differentiation within, and is possessed of only a single flagellum. Its utmost length is the 1/5000 of an inch.

It was the funniest incident that had come under their notice in many a day. And to them there was certainly nothing unusual nor bizarre in the event. Gogoomy had completed the life-cycle of the bushman. He had taken heads, and now his own head had been taken. He had eaten men, and now he had been eaten by men.

For he was not yet capable of understanding the single subject upon which more words have been expended in saying less than any other subject since the dawn of history. His approach was academic, he could have been reading the definitive material on the life-cycle of the beetle insofar as any stir of his own blood was concerned. From his study he did identify a couple of items.

Throughout the life-cycle of western civilization minor and major alterations have been made in its structure and its function. Some of the earlier political changes were part and parcel of the bourgeois revolution. They included: 1.

Zoölogists well know that this process of asexual reproduction, i. e., reproduction without any conjugation of two different cells, cannot go on indefinitely, and those who were studying the life-cycle of these parasites were at a loss to know where the sexual stage took place.

We cannot put Humanity into a museum, or dry it for examination; our one single still living specimen is all history, all anthropology, and the fluctuating world of men. There is no satisfactory means of dividing it, and nothing else in the real world with which to compare it. We have only the remotest ideas of its "life-cycle" and a few relics of its origin and dreams of its destiny ...

To become more familiar with the conception of the ur-plant, let us bring the life-cycle of the plant before our inner eye once again.

The last sentences, expressing Aristotle’s idea of a life-cycle and periods of civilisation which repeat themselves, have only been included in the quotation for the sake of completeness. If we disregard them, the passage plainly enough states the view that the only element of truth in the traditional notions about the gods was the divinity of the sky and the heavenly bodies; the rest is myth.

We cannot put Humanity into a museum or dry it for examination; our one single still living specimen is all history, all anthropology, and the fluctuating world of men. There is no satisfactory means of dividing it, and nothing else in the real world with which to compare it. We have only the remotest ideas of its "life-cycle" and a few relics of its origin and dreams of its destiny.