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Brocklesby to the last Academy dinner, when, as he boasted, 'he went up all the stairs to the pictures without stopping to rest or to breathe. Ante, p. 270, note 2. Quid te exempta levat spinis de pluribus una? 'Pluck out one thorn to mitigate thy pain, What boots it while so many more remain? FRANCIS. Horace, 2 Epistles, ii. 212. See ante, iii. 4, note 2. Sir Joshua's physician.

Wherefore it was well said by the learned Alciato when speaking of men of beautiful genius, born in poverty, who are not able to raise themselves, because, in proportion as they are impelled upwards by the wings of their genius, so are they held down by their poverty Ut me pluma levat, sic grave mergit onus.

'The sweet vicissitudes of day and night. The following elegant version of these lines by Mr. A. T. Barton, Fellow and Tutor of Johnson's own College, will please the classical reader: Musa levat duros, quamvis rudis ore, labores; Inter opus cantat rustica Pyrrha suum; Nec meminit, secura rotam dum versat euntem, Non aliter nostris sortibus ire vices. He was the brother of the Rev.

Stephanorum Historia, vitas ipsorum ac libros complectens. London, 1709. Senilia was published in 1742. The line to which Johnson refers is, 'Mel, nervos, fulgur, Carteret, unus, habes, p. 101. In another line, the poet celebrates Colley Cibber's Muse the Musa Cibberi: 'Multa Cibberum levat aura. p. 50. See Macaulay's Essays, ed. 1843, i. 367.