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Updated: August 26, 2024

This was the comedy entitled the Author's Farce, being the first portion of a medley which included the 'Puppet Show call'd the Pleasures of the Town; the whole being acted in the Little Theatre in the Haymarket, long since demolished in favour of the present building. Cou'd I have look'd for a Poet under lac'd Clothes!"

In 1754 he bought "a Superfine blue broad cloth Coat, with Silver Trimmings," "a fine Scarlet Waistcoat full Lac'd," and a quantity of "silver lace for a Hatt," and from another source it is learned that at this time he was the possessor of ruffled shirts.

Isa. That's very hard, because you are a laborious, ill-bred Tradesman, I must be bound to be a mean Citizen's Wife. Fran. Why, what are you better than I, forsooth, that you must be a Lady, and have your Petticoats lac'd four Stories high; wear your false Towers, and cool your self with your Spanish Fan? Enter Antonio. Isabella weeps. Ant.

"What's thy need, young man that comest down to Temple wi' sword a- danglin'?" The girl was a half-naked savage, dress'd only in a strip of sacking that barely reach'd her knees, and a scant bodice of the same, lac'd in front with pack thread, that left her bosom and brown arms free. Yet she appear'd no whit abash'd, but lean'd on the plough-tail and regarded me, easy and frank, as a man would.

The Bridegroom was dress'd in Cloth of Gold, and Linnen of Flanders lac'd; on his Head was a flaxen Peruke reaching to his Waste of very great Value, and by his Side a Sword, whose Hilt was set with Diamonds.

Ay, surely, Sir, what is she else? for she wore her Mantuas of Brocade d'or, Petticoats lac'd up to the Gathers, her Points, her Patches, Paints and Perfumes, and sat in the uppermost place in the Church too. Mop. But have you never serv'd Countesses and Dutchesses? Har. Oh, yes, Madam; the last I serv'd, was an Alderman's Wife in the City. Mop. Was that a Countess or a Dutchess? Har.

Both men were more than ordinary tall and soldier like: only the bigger wore a scarlet cloak very richly lac'd, and was shouting orders to his men; while the other, dress'd in plain buff suit and jack boots, had a map spread before him, which he studied very attentively, writing therein with a quill pen. "What a plague have we here?" cries the big man, as we drew up.

But you cannot withhold respect from his consistent dandyism, and you are grateful for the record that, engaged in a mean enterprise, he was dressed 'in a green velvet frock and a short lac'd waistcoat. Above all, his picturesque capture at Hockcliffe atones for much stupidity. The resolution, wavering at the wine glass, the last drunken ride from St.

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