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Sir, I had rather play a Caprichio to Calliope herself, than draw my bow across my fiddle before that very man; and yet I'll stake my Cremona to a Jew's trump, which is the greatest musical odds that ever were laid, that I will this moment stop three hundred and fifty leagues out of tune upon my fiddle, without punishing one single nerve that belongs to him Twaddle diddle, tweddle diddle, twiddle diddle, twoddle diddle, twuddle diddle, prut trut krish krash krush.

The meaning is that Mahadeva is he through whose puissance the mind succeeds in acquiring knowledge through the senses. Krishna is explained by the commentator thus. Krish is a word signifying Bhu or Existence. Hence Krishna is anandatanmatra. Kaparddin is thus explained by the commentator Kam Jalam pivati iti kapah.

It is derived from krish which implies to be, and na meaning final Emancipation or cessation of existence; the compound probably means One in whom every attribute has been extinguished; hence, absence of change, of sorrow, of gift, etc., or, eternal and highest joy. Lohitaksha is Red-eyed, from His eyes being of the hue of polished copper.

Krishna is derived from the Sanscrit "Krish," to scrape, to draw, to colour. If Moses be a type of Christ, must not Bacchus be admitted to the same honour? The name Christ Jesus is simply the anointed Saviour, or else Chrestos Jesus, the good Saviour; a title not peculiar to Jesus of Nazareth. We find Hesus, Jesous, Yes or Ies.

Tulu Krish, the well-known New-Zealander, whose admirable speculations on the ruins of St. Paul as seen from London Bridge have won for him the attentive consideration of the scientific world, fixes the occurrence in A. D. 1880.

The comparison is very feeble, for Bhima's mace, in the popular estimation, is much heavier and stouter than any parigha manufactured for human combatants. Prachakarsha is, lit. dragged. I think, however, the root krish must be taken here in the sense of crush. The name Vajra implies either a hard needle for boring diamonds and gems, or the thunder-bolt.