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Updated: August 10, 2024

The sister did as she was advised, and next day Janni again set off, taking his three dogs with him. When he came to the garden he dismounted, sat down to rest a little, and fell fast asleep. First there came three Draken round about to eat him, and when these three had been worried by the dogs, there came three others who were worried in like manner.

And while they were disputing the bridegroom arrived. 'Let her alone. She shall stay in her father's house. After all, I can live here, and the wedding feast shall be made ready. And so they were married at last, and died without having had a single quarrel. Janni and the Draken Once there was a man who shunned the world, and lived in the wilderness.

Then first came three Draken to eat him, and when the dogs had worried these, six others came and fought the dogs a long time. The noise of this combat awoke Janni, and he slew the Draken, and knew at last why the dogs were covered with blood. After that he freed all whom the Draken held prisoners, amongst others, a king's daughter.

So Janni plucked the pears and took them to his sister, who, when she had eaten them, declared she felt better.

One day the Drakos came to her, and said: 'You must pretend to be ill, and when Janni asks what ails you, and what you want, you must answer: "Cherries," and when he inquires where these are to be found, you must say: "There are some in a garden a day's journey from here."

When he saw Janni's sister he was terrified, but she told him not to be afraid, and by-and-by they fell in love with each other, for every time that Janni went to hunt the sister called the Drakos up. Thus they went on making love to each other till at length, unknown to Janni, they got married. Then, when it was too late, the sister repented, and was afraid of Janni's wrath when he found it out.

The brother and sister were quite pleased at this arrangement, and after the exchange was made they separated, and went their different ways. Janni and his sister in course of time came to a great castle, in which dwelt forty Draken, who, when they heard that Janni had come, fled forty fathoms underground.

When, therefore, Janni had come back from hunting, and sat at evening with his sister by the fire, she begged him to tell her wherein lay his strength, and he answered: 'It lies in my two fingers; if these are bound together then all my strength disappears. 'That I will not believe, said the sister, 'unless I see it for myself.

Janni obeyed and lost his heart to one of the sea damsels, and, sorely smitten, went to a wise woman to know what he should do to win her, and was told that he must boldly seize her in the whirl of the dance and hold her, no matter what happened. He followed the direction, and though the nymph changed shape many times he kept his hold and she submitted to him and they were married.

Then your brother will go there, and will never come back, for there dwell three of my brothers who will look after him well. Then the sister did as the Drakos advised, and next day Janni set out to fetch the cherries, taking his three dogs with him.

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