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But no; those so kept do not even seek or desire it. Long in captivity, they have become "Indianised," lost all aspirations for liberty, and grown contented with their lot; for the Tovas are not hard taskmasters.

Though purely a white man, his nature has been Indianised by the habits of his life: and in his eyes, the chase is the noblest accomplishment even for a woman? Does the fair Marian think so? Or has she another motive for absenting herself so frequently from her home? Let us follow her into the forest. There, perhaps, we may find an answer to the enigma. Glance into the forest-glade!

They, like Seguin's daughter, had been Indianised. There were many Mestizoes, half-bloods, the descendants of Indians and their Mexican captives, the offspring of many a Sabine wedding. We were carried through the streets, and out to the western side of the village. The crowd followed us with mingled exclamations of triumph, hatred, and curiosity.

So much as he can beat all the youth in feats of horsemanship, so much does she excel in the useful art which is her source of subsistence. There are but two rooms in the rancho, and that is one more than will be found in most of its fellows. But the delicate sentiment still exists in the Saxon mind. The family of the cibolero are not yet Indianised.

Again the gaucho ejaculates, "Bueno!" adding, in sotto voce, to his two companions, "It seems better still; a bit of rare good luck; that is, if this white man, whoever he be, isn't grown Indianised, as I've known some to be." Then to the girl. "Shebotha's slave, you say? In that case, he should be wanting to regain his liberty, and we may give him the chance.

"But there are pure white men among them outlaws who have run away from civilisation and turned renegades as also captives they have taken, who become Indianised, as the Mexicans call it. Doubtless it may have been some of these we saw." "Wall, you may be right, Frank. Sartint thar war one I seed wi' a beard 'most as big as my own only it war black.

A Catholic image Indianised, for the Mexican divinities were as much Indian as Roman. He appeared bored of the business, as, the joinings between head and neck having partially given way, the former drooped over and nodded to the crowd as the image was moved along.

Not that he would exclude all Western literature Ruskin, for instance, he would always welcome with both hands nor Western science so long as it was applied to spiritual and not to materialistic purposes, nor even English teachers, if they would become Indianised and were reborn of the spirit of India.