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He asks, 'Do you feel anything? The conscious-awakened person replies with the lips, 'No, but at the same time, in accordance with the signal that has been agreed upon during the state of hypnotisation, the finger is raised to signify 'Yes. It has been found that the finger will even indicate exactly the number of times that the apparently insensitive limb has been wounded."

She was also devoid of the sense of pain or the sense of contact, so that she "lost her legs in bed," as she put it. On her fifth hypnotisation, however, Lucie underwent a kind of catalepsy, after which she returned to the somnambulic state; but that state was deeper than before.

Then, suppose these circumstances of the case were ordinary, there arose this question, which refused to be solved: Since it was ridiculous to suppose that the hypnotisation was a wanton experiment, and since it had not been for the sake of robbery, what had been its object?

This chivalry has long been practised in the battle-field without abolishing the causes of war; and it might conceivably be extended to all the conflicts of men with one another, and of the warring elements within each breast. Policy, hypnotisation, and even surgery may be practised without exorcisms or anathemas.

Some think they come from the present food system; others from the accumulation of lymphs in the body; others, again, regard them as the result of dwelling on the subject a kind of hypnotisation by death; a fourth school hold them traceable to town air; while a fifth consider them a mere manifestation of jealousy on the part of Nature.

Dessoir refrains from pronouncing a decided opinion as to whether the original, primitive, hallucinated self within us does 'preside over powers and actions at a distance, such as clairvoyance; but he believes in hypnotisation at a distance. His theory, like Hegel's, is that of 'atavism, or 'throwing back' to some very remote ancestral condition. This will prove of interest later.